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Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision
  • IRC
    • #cntroll at 0000 UTC FUCKING 20TH N/I/GGERS
rizon is shit, so use this^
URL Link: Visit for ongoing info. right SHIT JUST GOT REAL, SON.

Table of Contents

Trolling the Chinese Government

Watch closely for future guides and updates.
  • The objective is proving that China cannot control the 'net or information.
  • DO NOT ACT until everyone is coordinated.
  • The Team (Admins mostly. An heroes who will play scapegoat for faux news)
    • Namefagging is dumb, all you 'originals' refer to the link in the irc topic.
Ask questions or give suggestions, but please, read the rest of the wiki first.


For those that are just in for teh lulz: We're gonna fuck China up, first we're gonna spam a bunch of stuff to inform chinese ppl how much their government sucks on some of the most popular social networking sites... Then while we're doing that, we're gonna try DDoSing some of the important websites to Chinese technology (i.e. the Ministry of Technology)...

You seriously need to visit the IRC for more specific information, cause the target is watching this page and not much can be said here...

Reasons why you should do this:

  • You're anon, and anon is legion.
  • You're gonna be pissing off a world power, but as long as you don't live in China, what you're doing is perfectly legal...
  • We might try fucking with the Great Fire Wall, because this whole thing started because Anon HATES censorship...
  • For the lulz...
Things we're gonna try spamming:
  • Tiananmen Square info, the government tries covering it up saying nothing happened... Read wikipedia
Read "What to post" above for more info... Read "What NOT to post" above for more info... Read "What to know before posting" above for more info... There are also graphic guides showing you how to register on those chinese sites cause we can't read moonsymbols...

Chat Meetings, join up for brainstorming!

2300 GMT at #cntroll
Agenda for Thursday Jun 18th, talk about ...:

  • Technical stuff (bots)
  • Video making
  • Where to put the videos
  • Division of tasks?
If you have anything to talk about or want us to discuss, add to the list.

0000 GMT at #cntroll
Agenda for Monday, July 20th, talk about...:

  • Pictures
  • Animooted pictures
  • Videos
  • Where to put shit
  • Who goes where
  • Time for attack.

What to do NOW

What you should be doing right now:

  • Chatting in the IRC at as many meetings as you can.
  • Look around on kaixin, baidu, xiaonei, and sina, try making accounts if like.
  • Finding and getting information to share with Chinese people about their government, be respectful.
  • Compiling Vids, Writing Scripts, and Hiding Information inside pictures to spread to people...
  • Correcting shit
  • Compiling filter work arounds (Phonetic equivalents of certain words)

Link to Target (from brainstorm)

Specific Sites

Other Resources

Possible Plans

Master Plan

  1. Concentrate on Tiananmen & other content that will convince government to hate us and people to love us-- specifically pictures or video
  2. One attack (Visit IRC to see dates)
  3. Multiple sites-- social networks & forums -- look at below plans
  4. For many moons
  5. ???? -- Eat Ice cream?
  6. Profit!
  7. Eat ice cream!

Plan A

We will be occupying the Ministry of Technology with some shenanigans, in the mean time ... Here is our best bet, from end of Meeting #1:
It's like twitter, it is ranked 13th in China on alexa. Better than xiaonei because there are open groups which we can join and spam

See below to see how to set up an account

  1. Make account (only requires email)
  2. Join all open groups possible
  3. Spam anti government shit
  4. ????
  5. Profit!

Plan B

  1. Go to
  2. Register multiple accounts under the same name. name is: [tbd]
  3. Add random friends, hard step
  4. Post stuff, see below
  5. ????
  6. Profit!

Plan C

  1. Bot to spam Omegle

Plan D

  1. Bot to spam Chinese forums (need to find which forums first)
  • There are lots of forums on Baidu Tieba ( It functions like 4chan, except there are thousands of different boards. Currently, posting new topics on all college/university's boards has been disabled. This is likely an attempt by the Chinese government to cover up Tiananmen Massacre's 20th anniversary. /b/ can start spamming right after the ban is lifted, and expose the truth to the group of people who the government fears the most.

How to create accounts

Get a Chinese Name Here:

''Visual for the registration'' This is the Chinese equivalent of twitter. It has open groups just as facebook, some with 100k+ members.
To make an account (read with the visual guide below):

  • Go to On the left, under the two blanks notice a question, click the link beneath it with 4 characters, it says "sign up immediately"
  • Arrive at the sign up window
    • On top there is a group of three blanks, they are: "your email", "your password", "re-enter your password". If it works, green check marks would appear
    • Next blank is "Your real name". Notice that you must enter a valid Chinese name here, random Chinese characters WILL NOT WORK. Get a random name here
    • Next, choose your sex "male"/"cumdumpster"
    • Date of birth
    • City of residence, just single click on it, choose any from the list
    • Current Job: "working"/"student"/"other"(pick this one to avoid providing further information)
    • Set your privacy preference, from top to bottom, they are "anyone can see my content"(pick this one)/"only my friends can see my content"/"no one can see my content". After you pick the first option, a window would pop out, click on "ok"
    • Confirmation, just enter the text you see
    • All done! click the pink button at the bottom
  • Go to the email you provided, click on the link.
  • Registration complete, you can choose to upload a picture, but you can skip it by clicking the five character link on the right.
  • Next, enter your password to your email to find other friends of yours who have already registered, skip this step by clicking the five character link on the right.
  • If there are any more windows, skip them by hitting the same link.

Making a group
  • This is your homepage, click the 3rd tab on the top with only one character, that means group.
  • There are 4 tabs: "My groups"/"Friend's groups"/"All groups"/"Fans groups"
  • To the right of each group, there are two buttons, the top one says "browse groups", the bottom one says "join group"
  • Most of the groups are not open, a window would pop out, asking you to provide reasons why you want to join. A few groups under "fans group" ARE OPEN.
    • What it looks like for non-open groups
    • Confirm to join an open group
  • Creating a new topic
  • Writing in your new topic
  • Your new topic showing up!

Search engine, featuring "paste it", which are effectively forums for a wide range of topics. This requires no registration
Translating Baidu is really easy.

  • Google Click on the [translate] link to the right.
  • On top, click on paste it
  • Boards are organized into many different categories, pick anyone you like.
  • Note that you can only POST in the original, non-translated page. Thus, you should open up another window for the original page in Chinese for posting, keep the translated page only as a reference.
  • In the original Chinese version, scroll to the bottom to start a new thread. It's straight forward, enter title, content, link to image, and enter the capcha.

The Chinese equivalent of facebook. Currently up. Use Google Translate or go on the IRC for help.

  • Go to
  • Bellow the box with the log in and password areas, there is a box with a two character heading. Click that
  • The first box is for Email, enter email
  • The second box is for your password
  • The third box is for your name
  • The fourth box is asking you if you're male or female
  • The fifth box is birthday, in the order of yyyy/mm/dd
  • The sixth box is fucking self explanatory
  • Press the big button on the bottom
  • Go to your email you registered with and you'll have an email from Xiaonei with a link to verify your account
  • Do that, and then upload a picture of some random chinafag or something
  • When it asks you what you are (it shows pictures of a bunch of people) click on the rightmost one, (other)
  • Go to the searchbar and search for a name. Anything, a provided one will be 文中. Type that in the search bar and add a few of them (Second to last link next to the pictures)
  • Press the last link on one of them to open a list of all their friends, add them, and so on and so on.
  • Fucking talk to the people you add so that they'll fucking read the shit you post
  • Use the phrase "你会说英文?" to ask if they can speak english. Use google translate if they can't. don't mention any shit about the government until the raid. Use cover as a student practicing his chinese or something. Be creative.
  • On the day of the raid, post notes and status updates with all the shit on the what to post section of this wiki.
  • ?????????????????

One of the largest video hosting sites.

  • Go to
  • Notice 5 links on the top right in gray. Click the second one, it means "sign up"
  • In the sign up window, enter the following:
    • email
    • enter password
    • re-enter password
    • nickname
    • personalized domain name
    • capcha crap
    • hit the green button to "complete"
  • go to your email, click on the first link
  • enter your password (to sina) and you are done
To upload a video:
  • Locate the search bar at the top. on the right there are two buttons, click the left one with an upward arrow.
  • There are two steps:
    • First browse for the file you want to upload. The words at the bottom says the following:
      • File size: less than 200M
      • Supported format: blah blah
      • Special notice: It is strictly prohibited to upload videos of political or pornographic nature, or videos infringing other people's rights.
      • By uploading the video, you are obliged to follow "crap crap"
    • second step, enter:
      • Title
      • description
      • tags
      • channel
      • album
      • sauce: "from others"/"original content"
      • leave the square blank
      • click finish

This is one of the most popular Chinese book reviewing website.


This is the only local newsgroups in China, no register needed.

  • Go to news:// in your favorite newsreader
  • Subscribe newsgroups and start posting!

Tool to auto translate Chinese

  1. Get firefox
  2. Greasemonkey:
  3. Translate script:
This script works by simply highlighting the Chinese phrase, it will have a little box open up with the English translation, thought it might be more useful then copypasta google translate.

Someone should make it translate to Engrish for added lulz.

What to know before posting

Don't be a stupid Westerner. Some of the things Westerners criticize China for are right, and some of them are completely, utterly, ridiculously wrong. You're going to look like an idiot if you bring up one of the latter things.


You should probably know what Tiananmen is. Tiananmen Square is a tourist attraction. It's a wide open area with tourist attractions on each of the four sides. On one of those sides is the Tiananmen itself. This is a gate with a picture of Mao on it, and some propaganda on both sides (to be exact, the propaganda reads "Long live the People's Republic of China" and "Long live world peace"). The protests happened on the square, not at the gate.

During the day, the square is usually packed with tourists (which is what makes it a decent protest site). Important government announcements, parades, etc generally happen here, and it's pretty heavily affiliated with government action (also what makes it a decent protest site). The point of all this is, if you mention "Tiananmen Square", people are going to think "tourist attraction" not "site of protest in the late 80s".

Many Chinese don't know that protests occurred at Tiananmen Square. This might just be because schools don't consider it important enough (Remember: something like half of America can't even find Iraq on a map). China has a long history - classes on Chinese history are going to be talking more about stuff that happened 4000 years ago than what happened now. Either way, it's pointless to criticize the Chinese for not knowing about the protests. Focus on what happened, not on why people don't know.


Tibet isn't some poor little country that got invaded by Commies. It's been part of China for much of China's history, and although China left it alone for a while, they retook it during the reunification after the civil war. So you can think of China's taking back Tibet (and its intents to take back Taiwan, for that matter) as roughly analogous to Lincoln taking back the South.

No, it is more analogous to the South defeating the North and demanding that the last stronghold of a legitimate government surrender itself.

Furthermore, the government didn't do all bad in Tibet. When the Commies retook it, they abolished slavery there, and many Tibetans supported the Commies. The Dalai Lama isn't exiled in the sense that he was forced out - he left of his own will, when his plans to overthrow the Commie government failed miserably.

The Olympics

Don't even think about mentioning the Olympics. It's a source of great national pride and accomplishment that China hosted the 2008 Olympics, and did a pretty good job in it. They're also proud of how well the Opening Ceremony expresses Chinese values, beliefs, etc.

And yes, they already know that the gymnasts were probably underage. It's not exactly the first time the government has lied. Hardly the worst thing the government's done. Focus on the human rights issues, guys. Ditto nitpicking anything else even vaguely related to the Olympics.

Government corruption

The Chinese know that their government is corrupt. They complain about it all the time, kind of like how Americans complain about pork-barrel spending, the war in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, security theater, etc, etc. They're less open about it in public, because of the government, but consensus is that the government is pretty corrupt.

Just because there is consensus that the government is bad does not mean you can just attack them as outsiders. It's kind of like how you're probably not too satisfied with what Bush was doing, but if Middle Easterners are all like "DEATH TO AMERICA", you're probably going to be like "HELL NO." Make it clear that you're not attacking their country, you're criticizing their government and their government's actions.

Government censorship

People know that the government censors things, too. This is also one of the "hard not to notice" things. When talking about censorship of websites, people often use the euphemism "down for maintenance" - as in, "Hey, YouTube is down for maintenance again." "Oh, that's the government, hard at work maintaining websites for the 'benefit' of us comrades!"

Wikipedia and Google used to be blocked, but no longer are. YouTube is currently temporarily blocked. I don't know of any other high-profile sites that are blocked. Although Wikipedia is unblocked, certain articles, like "Tiananmen Square Incident of 1989" and "Democracy" are still blocked.

Getting a website blocked is pretty simple. I've gotten one of my own servers blocked for setting up a proxy to browse Wikipedia with it (this was when I was little, Wikipedia was blocked, and I had no idea how to encrypt a proxy).


Some claims the following:

Seasoned internet users and elites of Chinese internet know how the government censors things. But the ordinary masses don't; they just perceive it as temporary network outage. China has long history of censorship and its people are also adapted to it. But when the new freedom of internet was deprived, people became angry with the online representation of the government - the GFW. For Chinese internet users, what they usually feels is the internet blockage than real censorship in other media. The GFW is their primary perceived enemy rather than the government.
Great Firewall of China has been and is still keeping blocking and censoring every aspect of their internet life: Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Flickr, Plurk, ning, dozens of news sites, blogspot, my opera, wordpress blogs, also their own blogs. All these things for years have laid the anger and hatred foundation against the GFW among the most influential Chinese internet users. If we fuck the GFW, they'll join and make it bigger.
ordinary people in Chinese internet are already content with all kinds of network services in domestic internet, they do not need anything more outside China; when they are blocked, they just use the China-copy alternatives. Those active or elite users tend to use services outside China more and feel more anger when blocked.
I don't how much of this is true, but at least some of it's false. The last time I was in China (a few months ago), Google and Wikipedia were not blocked (Well, English Wikipedia - Chinese Wikipedia may have been blocked). The "ordinary masses" is ambiguous - peasants generally don't have Internet access, and don't know about censorship - but then again, peasants aren't censored at all - the government rarely visits them, and they're generally free to do anything they want (except move into cities, because of overpopulation issues). On the other hand, students living in cities (which are presumably our primary targets) are well aware of the censorship that goes on, and attitudes towards it is generally along the lines of dissatisfaction.

What NOT to post

  • No English. Common Chinese people don't understand English. Just Chinese.
  • No Olympics.
  • No Tibet.
  • No materials from your WESTERN MEDIA
Chinese thinks in ways and viewpoints different from your westerner, they have different thoughts on concepts like human right or freedom of speech. The best materials we'll put should be from Chinese themselves.

What to post

  • Chinese. We shouldn't bring our own articles but rather, use those censored by China gov within China itself.
  • Any kinds of stuff banned by China gov without nationalism involved, like:
    • Tiananmen, usually called by Chinese as "June 4th" - don't just focus on Tiananmen, it's only a climax of series of incidents
      • Go to 64memo for impressive videos.
    • Great Firewall (GFW)
    • Critics of Green Dam (new censorware forced by gov)
    • Negative news and commentaries on politics and social problems, from sites including epochtimes, RFA, others coming from links in the bottom of, check each by yourself
    • pr0n


Written stuff

Chinese text (translated into English)

June 4th 1989, the Chinese government brutally murdered its own people to maintain its autocratic control. Thousands of defenseless students were massacred on Tiananmen Square. They were not violent dissidents, but students who only wanted a say to their governor. They fell, the people fell, left alone is the blood lusting violence.

We cannot only live for China's glory, we must live for its conscience and morality. We cannot live only for the future, we must live for history. What the past tells us are the agonizing cries of the people, our ancestors' resonating howls to awaken our morality. If we ignore the sacrifice of our heroes at Tiananmen, how are we to have any decency or honor?

China is not strong. Economic might is not sufficient for a country to be strong, its people must have morals as well. For a country that is afraid and ashamed to recognize its past, how could it be a giant? A government that suppresses its own people is afraid of its people. A government that is afraid of its own people, knows its illegitimacy. Until the day when the government is no longer afraid of the people, have the courage to face its mistake, and respectfully apologize to its people: Sorry, we were wrong. Until then, China can truly stand up.


  1. Find likely-to-be-blocked content on Wikipedia
  2. Use the Google Translate engine... it's not great but close enough (we have people here who can translate too)
  3. Replace [ORIGINAL] with the UrlEncoded() version of the English source:
  4. Create an image of summary
  5. Disseminate in areas TBD



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