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Operation Vox Populi.2C Vox Dei.2FAl Dente

Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision

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So, you're really fucking dedicated and want to write your own copypasta, Hm? Excellent! The more unique ones floating around, the more legitimate our case will seem to the fundamentalist faggots on those sites. Here are a list of powerwords for each group. It'll help you sound genuine.

  • Islam
    • Brothers - Islam is highly male-centric. Don't mention women, or you'll lose credibility.
    • The One True Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him - Don't use the short form. Islamifags take the man extremely seriously, and anything less than what looks like pure devotion will be questioned. You can vary between One True Prophet and other terms of holy praise; you cannot alter peace be upon him.
  • Atheism, Agnosticism, Secularism
    • Freethought - MAJOR powerword. Religions trample on this from their perspective.
    • Delusion - Refer to religions as this when in Atheist communities.
  • Morons (Mormons)
    • Atonement of Jesus Christ - SUPER powerful. It's what allows them to sin to a certain degree, but no more


Brothers, the western oppressors have taken their crusade across the world too far. First they invaded our holy lands and helped destory our brothers in Palestine and supprting the fascist zionist pigs. Now the catholics dogs have been caught molesting poor innocent children. A recent report revealed shockingly that over 10% of the catholic clergy have been involved in molestation cases.

We cannot let this continue. In the name of Allah, we must strike back against these filthy western oppressors. Their religious fascism has spread like a virus throughout the world and is threatening our homelands and holy lands.

We must come together and punish these infidels under Sharia law. Plans must be drawn for our counterattack.

Islam 2

Brothers in the Faith, the time has come to strike back against the infidels of the Roman Catholic church. Not only have they invaded our holy lands, not only have they tried to subvert the holy teaching of The One True Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him. Now, they rape children. Children. Allah's innocents. This must stop. This must be brought to an end! We mush take up arms against this vile depraved liar, against Pope Benedict, his country, his evil heresy.

It is time that we showed the Vatican the meaning of Jihad.

On the promised day, you, all of you must make a stand! A stand against The Vatican, and all the lies it stands for!

We shall not be stopped.

Join us.


Fellow children of G-d, we have sat around for too long watching the evil acts of Catholicism. In the recent past, over 4,000 sexual molestation charges have been filed against Catholic "preists". The Pope himself has openly supported pedophilia and has protected those who have ruined the childhood of countless children. As long as Adonai is with us all, this will not continue to progressively get worse. We will not be a group of Jihadists like the Islamic community but will go to war through making known the dangers of Catholicism...

Get informed. Get ready. Get Catholicism.

Morons (Mormonism)

Fellow Mormons, as we all know, Jesus called upon his Apostles for a reason. To end the Apostasy and to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Savior. After doing so, and teaching people the true word of Jesus, he was killed, killed for spreading truth. As we all know, to some degree, the atonement of Jesus can bring forgiveness, but some sins cause so much trauma and are so horrible, there is no redemption. Molestation of children is certainly not forgivable. In Catholicism, some form of "sacred blessing" is given through touch, and many, sick, demented priests have used this to molest children, and destroy an innocent childhood. In the past, the current pope aided many priests who have molested children. In the recent past, over 4,000 sexual molestation charges have been filed against Catholic "priests". In all, 10,000 children have had their childhoods destroyed by these "priests". We must join together to stop pope Benedict, who claims to be the closest man to god, but supports child molesters. It is time to put an end to child molestation in Catholicism!


We've all known for a long time that religions across the world have gone too far. A report commissioned by the Church the previous year said more than 4,000 US Roman Catholic priests had faced sexual abuse allegations in the last 50 years, in cases involving more than 10,000 children - mostly boys. We cannot allow this to continue! For the sake of reason, knowledge, science and decency, we must do something to stop these people.

Contact your local news media, your local paper, tv, radio, even the national press. We must get the word out that ordinary decent rational thinkers will not stand for delusional religious do-gooders getting away with this. The Pope himself, head of a supposedly peace-loving and caring church has openly defended pedophiles, and he is protecting people who molest innocent children and destroy their childhoods.

They cannot be allowed to hide behind their so-called beliefs any longer.


For as long as we have questioned a one, perfect religion, we have progressively found an increasingly greater root in our beliefs. Now, through the uprising of recent events, have one more... Catholicism. We've all known for a long time that religions across the world have gone too far. A report commissioned by the Church the previous year said more than 4,000 US Roman Catholic priests had faced sexual abuse allegations in the last 50 years, in cases involving more than 10,000 children - mostly boys. We cannot allow this to continue! For the sake of reason, knowledge, science and decency, we must do something to stop these people.

Contact your local news media, your local paper, tv, radio, even the national press. We must get the word out that ordinary decent rational thinkers will not stand for delusional religious do-gooders getting away with this. The Pope himself, head of a supposedly peace-loving and caring church has openly defended pedophiles, and he is protecting people who molest innocent children and destroy their childhoods.


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