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Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 4, 2012 · 1 revision

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Hal Turner


Subeta, a kid's game, adds in a meme. Anonymous does not liek. The raid became known as the "Longcat Crusade". At first he was shitstormed with angry Anons telling him to remove it, but he refused. Keith, the owner of Subeta, put up a message that was a giant middle finger to Anonymous. They did not like it. No, not one bit. Then, the shitstorm came. Thousands of Anons, spamming, DDoSing, and many bruteforcing and fucking up Subeta. Keith, despite all this, refused to give up. Anonymous halted for about a few days, as they were planning. Planning something incredible, something epic. The epic plan? Phishing sites. Hundreds of Subetafaggots became victims as they had their accounts on lots of things stolen. Nearly a whole month later the raid was still in full gear. It ended once somebody stole his GoDaddy account and redirected it to a picture of Will Smith.

Habbo Hotel

Harbl Hotel is a shitty game played by children. Very exploitable. It all began during the summer, when 4channers decided it would be hilarious to form swastikas (SwastiGETS) and block of users. And it was. /b/ called the entire Anonymous to arms. An epic raid. One that would haunt the faggots of Habbo, and send them running out of their rooms. July 12th. Every room was filled with "nigras" spamming, blocking, and forming SwastiGETS. A few less epic raids occurred, like on MLK Day, September 11th, and World AIDS Day. The second major raid also occurred on July 12th the next year. But sadly, this would be the end to the epic Habbo raids. /b/ lost interest, you can no longer block, less people show up, most people are retarded and can't form SwastiGETS, and it's a pile of fail. A plan has been organized for 2010, see Habbo Hotel.

Scientology (start)

In a nutshell:

  • 1. Scientology Tom Cruise propaganda video leaks onto internet.
  • 2. Scientology decide to censor the video and have it removed from the internet.
  • 3. Anonymous dislikes this censorship and takes up arms, launching a crippling online assault against Scientology.
  • 4. This raid draws vast media attention.
  • 5. Thus raid becomes corrupted by newfags (of the moral kind) and mutates from online battle into a peaceful, worldwide protest.
  • 6. Anonymous withdraws, leaving moralfags to carry on the fight alone.
For more see here.

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