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Earthquake in a Box

Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page Apr 30, 2012 · 1 revision

Earthquake in a Box. Guaranteed to produce shakes over Magnitude 6. A Dangerous Phantasm. They bite. This is part of Cherimoya GNU/Linux, a project to make a Linux distro for Anonymous.

The images to the right aren't there to satisfy your pedophilic fantasies. They actually contain (or will contain) our package installing bash scripts. More info below.

Dangerous Phantasm and Earthquake in a Box are the names we give to Cherimoya's package group of programs useful to Anonymous, security, and anonymity in general. It's a homage to the legendary "Dangerous Kitten" care package, dispatched to anons using imageboards with a RAR archive embedded in a JPG file. Earthquake in a Box plans to update and supersede the original, provide all the source code, and the Arch Linux versions build directly from source, greatly reducing the chance of gaining malware from it. It will also include our documentation, a bunch of PDF guides, and our "Newfag's guide to Anonymous".

There are three editions: One for Arch-based GNU/Linux, one for Debian-based GNU/Linux, one for Windows, and one for Mac OS X (using MacPorts?).

Table of Contents

Archive extraction

To extract the scripts from the images, do these steps:

  1. Choose the image that contains the metapackage you want (their contents are in the lists below)
  2. Rename the image's extension from .png to .zip
  3. Extract the zip archive and enter the resulting folder
  4. Follow the correct instructions for your OS below
  5. Train monkeys to joust
  6. ???


For your safety, remember to calculate the checksums before use in case the archives were tampered with. They are usually in small text across the bottom of the image, but we've put them here anyway:

  • Dangerous Apparation
    • V0.1.1 KEINE
      • MD5SUM:
      • SHA256SUM:
  • Earthquake in a Box
    • V0.1.1 KEINE
      • MD5SUM:
      • SHA256SUM:


Mac OS X

Arch-based GNU/Linux


Method 1

The first method uses a bash script to grab and build source code directly from the author's source code, using instructions from either the AUR (Arch) or CCR (Chakra). The bash script contains no binaries of any kind; All the packages are simply retrieved from your system's User Repository and built from source. This method is the best and the safest, as there is no middleman to trust and the packages are built specifically to work on your system. The bash scripts are embedded in the images as ZIP archives; Simply rename the image to a ZIP, extract, and run.

 ./ arch # or
 ./earthquake-in-a-box chakra

The first part of the command is the script's name. It can be different (each one installs a different package group), but the arguments are the same. Remember to run the script as root. You can see what packages it will install by running it without an argument.

The second part of the command is an argument tells the script what kind of system to build for and which user repository to get PKGBUILDS from.


This argument tells the script to build for Arch-based systems using the AUR.


This argument tells the script to build for Chakra-based systems using the CCR.

Method 2

NOTE: This repository is the one used for Cherimoya. Building from source is almost always a better option.

Place the below code in /etc/pacman.conf to add our repository. (64-bit repository will be coming soon)

 # 32-bit
 Server =

Then, refresh pacman with a -Syy, and install the metapackage "dangerous-eidolon" or "earthquake". You can also install the packages individually.


This package contains all the important stuff that Anonymous may need on their journey.


Make a guide to Cherimoya from this wiki and put it here. Add the Newfag's Guide to Anonymous here, the Anonsec PDF, etc.


Include a list of mods that will be applied to existing programs, if any


Package in the Arch Binary Repository:

Package in the Chakra Binary Repository:

Depends: openssl, libevent, tsocks, bash

Description: Anonymizing overlay network. Tor is a distributed internet proxy protected using Onion encryption. It also functions as a network in itself with .onion hidden services (although they are not developed as well as I2P)


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: bash, java-runtime

Description: A distributed anonymous network. I2P has no outlet to the internet, instead focusing on an internal, highly encrypted and anonymizing network. This package installs i2prouter to the /etc/rc.d/ directory so that you can start it at boot as a daemon.

Firefox Addons

LOIC in QT (loiq)

Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: qt

Description: An open source network stress tool for Linux. This takes the classic C source code of the original and builds a new GUI around it using the Qt toolkit.


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: perl-io-socket-ssl

Description: A console tool which is written in perl to "test" http-server vulnerabilites for connection exhaustion denial of service (DoS) attacks so you can enhance the security of your webserver. Extremely potent on big, popular server stacks, (Apache, IIS) but not so much on smaller, faster ones (Nginx, lighttpd). Works with proxies, such as Tor.


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: python2, tk

Description: A Python rewrite of Slowloris, adding a GUI and script capability. Made to "test" http-server vulnerabilites for connection exhaustion denial of service (DoS) attacks. Extremely potent on big, popular server stacks, (Apache, IIS) but not so much on smaller, faster ones (Nginx, lighttpd). Works with proxies, such as Tor.


Package in the Arch Binary Repository:

Package in CCR:

Description: A small utility to change your NIC's MAC address. This is important when you are using public networks to increase anonymity. It is completely ineffective in personal networks, though. Remember to set the MAC address to a vendor that actually exists.


Package in the Arch Binary Repository:

Package in CCR:

Depends: gcc libjpeg libmcrypt libtool mhash zlib

Description: A program which embeds an encrypted message in a file by replacing some of the least significant bits. An encrypted file is extremely suspicious. Steganography hides encrypted data in files, such as images, making it impractical to discover whether encryption has ever been used at all.


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: python tor wxpython

Description: Messenger application on top of the Tor network and it's location hidden services. Nobody will be able to find out where you are, find out what you send/receive, to whom you are sending/receiving from and where are your contacts located. Pidgin-like. It's the basis of a network some anons have created here:


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: boost expat gcc-libs wxgtk-dev

Description: Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency. It can also run on Tor and I2P. But it shouldn't be considered a currency, as it really has no worth or backing. Instead, think of it as a p2p, decentralized, anonymous payment system to replace Paypal.

Remember to back up your wallet.dat after EVERY single transaction, especially if you're using it from a liveCD!!!! Think of it like a wallet; If you lose it or it gets stolen, there's no way to get it back. Dump it in a Truecrypt archive and put it on Dropbox.


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Description: CDE is an instant package bundler that looks at what a program needs to run, puts it all in a seperate directory, and allows any other Linux system to run it exactly the same way as the bundle creator.

 earthquake (in a box)

This packages includes all of Dangerous Phantasm and some unnessacary extras, but it gives a fuller experience.


Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: mono, monodevelop

Description: An open source network stress tool for Windows. This one is NewEraCracker's original client from Github, and it's ported from Windows using Mono. It's strongly recommended to use LOIQ instead, which is native to KDE. Also, Monodevelop's GTK dependencies are a whopping 270MBs. Nice.

Touhou: Imperishable Night (th08)

Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: wine or bin32-wine, timidity++

Description: The eighth game of the Touhou Project series, Imperishable Night trial version (via wine). This is the most challenging game you will ever play in your life. If you happen to have the full version (maybe through illicit means), just follow these instructions.

Touhou: Perfect Cherry Blossom (th07)

Package in AUR:

Package in CCR:

Depends: wine or bin32-wine, timidity++

Description: Perfect cherry blossom trial version. Seventh game of the Touhou Project series. (via wine). Another game in the series, and just as difficult. If you have the full version, follow these instructions to make it work.

Debian-based GNU/Linux

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