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Operation Pied Randi Piper

Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision

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Background Information

So, some fat whore, of dubious gender, has decided to become a beacon of white light towards girlvinyl victims. In reality, this is an excuse to whore her site on the news, possibly sell books, and work to get anti-anonymous and anti-ED legislation passed.


There are a couple of fronts for this operation

For Dummies

  • Spam her email with the usual
  • Ruination
  • Best bet: Flood her support forums and such with fake little girls in fake trouble, effectively causing legitimate cases to be ignored and crippling her operation.


DDoS is temporary, and hacks can be undone via backup. Phone calls can be ignored, and black-faxes thrown in the trash. However, the bread-and-butter of Ms. Randi is that she helps people who are the victims of girlvinyl online. The best way to end this is to flood her forums and report centers with many fake reports of cyberbullying by girlvinyl.

What I mean is this: create hotmail, yahoo, vampirefreakers, etc accounts with the same screen name, and use to mimic a teenager. Then, using terrible grammar, write reports of being bullied and ask for help on the anti-GV sites.

This will cause the admins and other useful members to spend time helping people who, as they are not real, don't even need any help to begin with. Moreover, this prevents actual GV 'victims' from getting the help they want, at least in a timely manner, because admins and everyone else are far too busy answering all the imaginary people.

This will bring the goal of her operation to an end, by nullifying her ability to help people. See her dox for a list of sites.

Three Step Plan

(recruit; go to IRC on right)

  1. Fuck their websites
  2. ?????
  3. PROFIT!!


Categorize dox on the bitch behind this, Randi Harper.

Other Sites

Get mother-fucking the mother-fucking Count on this:



You know what to do, anonymous.


These fuckers have an IRC channel.

Google Bombing

"Randi Harper aborts child"

Clone this wiki locally