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Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page Apr 30, 2012 · 1 revision

Fox is a popular news network in North America, and for good reason. They are the most trustworthy bunch of critters you'll ever see! On the /i/nternets, foxes are thoroughly hated for eating precious eggs that roll through the pipes. And let's face it...who really likes Michael J Fox? Once for being an AIDSy "news" network that slandered anon's good name, and twice for the epic lulz generated from this video And one noteworthy exception is Samantha Fox.

4Chan: The Rude, Raunchy Underbelly of the Internet

On April 07, 2009, Taryn Sauthoff posted a report on foxnews about 4chan, naming it 4Chan: The Rude, Raunchy Underbelly of the Internet.right/b/ started getting flooded with shit threads named "dump shit for fox". People began posting lol images in there.

Later, people gathered in IRC to talk about the situation. Ideas were mentioned, like DDoS, but didn't happen because it's impossible. In the end, we gathered information on the journalist who wrote this. No confirmed phone number was found.,2933,512957,00.html - The report


Any opportunity to raep fox television or Samantha Fox or even Michael J Fox, should be brought to the Legion's attention posthaste. Godspeed.

Category: Enemies

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