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Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision

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A picture depicting a well-known Anonymous slogan is being used by the Oregon Tea Party appeared on /b/ reddit.

As of right now, we have the element of surprise since no actions have been launched against the Oregon Tea Party. We must move quickly and deliberately to avoid white knights, legal B.S. (which is very likely given the target), and the mass failure of /b/.

Reports of Personal Army Attempt

Some have claimed that this is a clever attempt at getting anon to be a political machine. However, the July 22nd Google Cache of the Oregon Tea Party profile on teapartypatriots clearly shows otherwise:


Also post this everywhar

  1. Compile dox on members, especially leaders, of the Oregon Tea Party. Use their facebook page.
  2. Proceed to Ruination and Ruin Life Tactics/Free Shit to fuck with them. One way to find the base of their operations is to buy a bumper sticker from them, and use the return address.
  3. Spam their facebook profile and ning site
    1. More subtly, post things that are batshit insane yet still within their scope (i.e., 9/11 conspiracy, birther shit, obama=community nazi jew, racism a la Carlos Mencia, etc)
    2. Those lemon party posters could be put you good use here... just claim to be something similar to the tea party and offer to form an alliance. Maybe say that the Lemon Party is more lobby oriented and has collected funding from groups such as the NRA. That'll get them to click the link...
  4. Create fake accounts on social networks and create information campaigns similar to BPGlobalPR on the evil twitter.


Not racist at all

I remember reading about the Tea Party Comix issue and how the creator denies they are racist despite it being almost obvious. This view is also held by many Tea Baggers and they are completely oblivious to the racist undertones as long as they believe those "DAMN LIBERAL" are banning free speech. (pic related, you can see more of them at

So here's the plan. Get some pens and paper out and start making "Tea Party Comix" or see about getting some of your drawfag friends to help you out. You don't even need to be good at making comics, just make images of the blackest Obama you can make (big lips and everything)being put in his place by a white character, but stay away from more obvious racist things like watermelon or fried chicken. If you are subtle enough, it'll look to the tea-baggers that it's just bashing liberals while to the rest of the nation it'll look like it was produced by the Klan.

The next step is to distribute them. Get them printed up (either at home or if you can, a print shop) and bring them to your local tea-party rally. Get dressed in a cap, sunglasses and blue jeans (you've got to look the part) and start telling people that you've got Tea Party Comix that the liberals and Obama banned. Make it seem like he was infringing on their free speech.

With luck, they'll all look like a bunch of crackers and not even know it.

Primary Objectives

The main goal of this raid (as well as others) is to extract lulz from rage-prone targets. None are so prone to the lulzy combination of rage and failure as the Tea Party. In addition this raid will seek reparations for an egregious breach of internet protocol -- theft of memes for personal profit. A useful side goal would be to make a crack link to fake an invite to there site?

To these ends, we will seek the ruination of both the Oregon Tea Party and all other chapters that choose to become involved. We will attack the following targets simultaneously:

OTP you so lulzy

Operate in lulzy manner in the name of the tea party, they want to be associated? we'll associate the shit out of them WAT

Raids are now in the name of OTP, retroactively from now WATWAT

Contact local news in oregan, their board is locked makes them look suspicious dont it? :)

Nigger, we have no idea what you're talking about Explain it clearly or not at all. kthxbai. +1

He's saying all raids from now on should be in their name. Old raids should be blamed on them. Call Oregon news stations or newspapers and report them for the raids. Their locked site makes them look suspicious.


Nazis? In MY partyvan?

New Group People (add to dox when compiled using Template:Standard/Dox


Wendy Hampton Creator of the group. But perhaps not as lulzy as the below?

Gregory Fournerat Not the creator of the new group, but he seems to be to be the most obnoxious/active admin. Anyone wanna add him as a friend and get some dox?

Chip Ess Looks to be a semi-active admin. Under TV read: Fox News. Prime target for lulz?

DO NOT FUCKING LOIC Don't bother with anything of the sort. For one thing Ning is HUEG (think: mini facebook), and for another the Oregon Tea Party is changing hosting because Ning is run by a 'radical liberal' (lolwut).

Starting immediately, brave volunteers are to start creating accounts and integrating into the masses. Post legitimate comments (don't troll yet) and create multiple fucking accouts because you will get b&.

Those with the proper knowledge and tools should also begin immediate pentesting. Our objective should be to deface the page with whatever content we think will offend them (gay nigger porn?).

Nmap results

 Starting Nmap 5.10BETA2 ( ) at 2010-08-01 21:09 Pacific Daylight
 Initiating Ping Scan at 21:09
 Scanning ( [4 ports]
 Completed Ping Scan at 21:09, 0.30s elapsed (1 total hosts)
 Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 21:09
 Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 21:09, 0.22s elapsed
 DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.22s. Mode: Async [#: 2, OK: 0, NX: 1, DR: 0, SF:
 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
 Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 21:09
 Scanning ( [100 ports]
 Discovered open port 80/tcp on
 Discovered open port 443/tcp on
 Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 21:09, 13.93s elapsed (100 total ports)
 Nmap scan report for (
 Host is up (0.18s latency).
 Scanned at 2010-08-01 21:09:19 Pacific Daylight Time for 14s
 7/tcp     filtered echo
 9/tcp     filtered discard
 13/tcp    filtered daytime
 21/tcp    filtered ftp
 22/tcp    filtered ssh
 23/tcp    filtered telnet
 25/tcp    filtered smtp
 26/tcp    filtered rsftp
 37/tcp    filtered time
 53/tcp    filtered domain
 79/tcp    filtered finger
 80/tcp    open     http
 81/tcp    filtered hosts2-ns
 88/tcp    filtered kerberos-sec
 106/tcp   filtered pop3pw
 110/tcp   filtered pop3
 111/tcp   filtered rpcbind
 113/tcp   filtered auth
 119/tcp   filtered nntp
 135/tcp   filtered msrpc
 139/tcp   filtered netbios-ssn
 143/tcp   filtered imap
 144/tcp   filtered news
 179/tcp   filtered bgp
 199/tcp   filtered smux
 389/tcp   filtered ldap
 427/tcp   filtered svrloc
 443/tcp   open     https
 444/tcp   filtered snpp
 445/tcp   filtered microsoft-ds
 465/tcp   filtered smtps
 513/tcp   filtered login
 514/tcp   filtered shell
 515/tcp   filtered printer
 543/tcp   filtered klogin
 544/tcp   filtered kshell
 548/tcp   filtered afp
 554/tcp   filtered rtsp
 587/tcp   filtered submission
 631/tcp   filtered ipp
 646/tcp   filtered ldp
 873/tcp   filtered rsync
 990/tcp   filtered ftps
 993/tcp   filtered imaps
 995/tcp   filtered pop3s
 1025/tcp  filtered NFS-or-IIS
 1026/tcp  filtered LSA-or-nterm
 1027/tcp  filtered IIS
 1028/tcp  filtered unknown
 1029/tcp  filtered ms-lsa
 1110/tcp  filtered nfsd-status
 1433/tcp  filtered ms-sql-s
 1720/tcp  filtered H.323/Q.931
 1723/tcp  filtered pptp
 1755/tcp  filtered wms
 1900/tcp  filtered upnp
 2000/tcp  filtered cisco-sccp
 2001/tcp  filtered dc
 2049/tcp  filtered nfs
 2121/tcp  filtered ccproxy-ftp
 2717/tcp  filtered unknown
 3000/tcp  filtered ppp
 3128/tcp  filtered squid-http
 3306/tcp  filtered mysql
 3389/tcp  filtered ms-term-serv
 3986/tcp  filtered mapper-ws_ethd
 4899/tcp  filtered radmin
 5000/tcp  filtered upnp
 5009/tcp  filtered airport-admin
 5051/tcp  filtered ida-agent
 5060/tcp  filtered sip
 5101/tcp  filtered admdog
 5190/tcp  filtered aol
 5357/tcp  filtered unknown
 5432/tcp  filtered postgresql
 5631/tcp  filtered pcanywheredata
 5666/tcp  filtered nrpe
 5800/tcp  filtered vnc-http
 5900/tcp  filtered vnc
 6000/tcp  filtered X11
 6001/tcp  filtered X11:1
 6646/tcp  filtered unknown
 7070/tcp  filtered realserver
 8000/tcp  filtered http-alt
 8008/tcp  filtered http
 8009/tcp  filtered ajp13
 8080/tcp  filtered http-proxy
 8081/tcp  filtered blackice-icecap
 8443/tcp  filtered https-alt
 8888/tcp  filtered sun-answerbook
 9100/tcp  filtered jetdirect
 9999/tcp  filtered abyss
 10000/tcp filtered snet-sensor-mgmt
 32768/tcp filtered unknown
 49152/tcp filtered unknown
 49153/tcp filtered unknown
 49154/tcp filtered unknown
 49155/tcp filtered unknown
 49156/tcp filtered unknown
 49157/tcp filtered unknown 


Here is a link of registered members. We need to seek out those with decent dox and proceed to ruination. Accounts with unusual names and pictures are the most likely to succeed. Post successfully doxed members in the appropriate section below.

NOTE: Refer to Operation Jewgold for properly-run personal raids.

Geoff Ludt

Creator and webmaster of the page. Moar dox are needed, but here is his page on the site: [Invite] Given that he shoop'd his profile picture, it's not unlikely that he is also responsible for the legion pic.

UPDATE: A brave anon has provided preliminary dox. Anon should try to guess his gmail password and root through his mail for dirt. Social engineering calls should also be made to dig up further dox.

UPDATE 2: The jew has a business webpage. Pentests should start immediately.


Events which may be possible to troll. Note that IRL raids are for faggots, so let's not even go there. Maybe we can tip off the police about some highly illegal behavior?


Geoffrey Ludt (owner)

  • Past
    • Systems and Accounting at My Smilin' Violin
    • Internet Sales Manager at Thomason Toyota
    • Investment Management Analyst - Consulting Group at Smith Barney
  • Education
    • Portland State University - School of Business BS , Business - Finance , 2000 — 2003
    • Portland State University BS , History , 1992 — 1998
    • Tau Kappa Epsilon, ASPSU, Student Resource Center, The Daily Vanguard
  • Current projects:
  1. -- snosseL's mission is to create and distribute the most useful education service support systems in the world. In short, snosseL is “business, for teachers”.
  2. Ludt Violin Co. dba My Smilin' Violin -- Ongoing marketing, systems integration, and accounting.
  3. flashcards -- my oldest daughter needs to work on math.
  • Past projects (1-3 years ago):
  1. -- Registration and transaction processor development.
  2. Ludt Violin Co. dba My Smilin' Violin -- Implementation of accounting software, design and implementation of stakeholder database.
  • Past projects (3+ years ago)
  1. Smith Barney -- automation of "Investment Management Analysis" reporting.
Geoffrey Ludt’s Specialties:
  1. Business planning, process flow, wire-framing, out-sourcing, home-sourcing, finance and accounting.
  • Mike Huckabee $220 2008



4 kids too young to be on the internet

Rachel Louise Ludt

Ronald Ludt

Tom Cox (Oregon Tea Party media liaison)


As of 1300 GMT, Their Facebook Page has been replaced. Their NING site has been locked down to invitation only. <gallery> File:1280185605578.png File:HidingFromAnon.png </gallery>


Tea Party Oregon declare war AFAIK they deleted their facebook. And someone snatched it. Trollism detected.


Clone this wiki locally