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Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page Apr 30, 2012 · 1 revision

Furries are the scum of the earth. Forget Jews. Hitler should have gone after these delusional, overweight and reclusive fuckers. Letting them wander free is like letting niggers roam around with no master; you end up with ghettos and drive-by shootings! Furries are people who like to pretend or role-play that they are human-like animals or monsters. The "characters" they portray can range from a real deer to an imaginary dragon to anthropomorphs, the worst perversion of humanity possible, such as a cartoon catgirl with a human body but a cat's ears, nose and tail. Not a pretty sight. Many furries are underage girls that lie about their age to get in on the yiff action, probably scarring their little minds for life.

Most furries roleplay several, or even many characters. For any specific game or website, a furry must choose one of the characters to be their main character, or "fursona". This gives them a name and description while still allowing them to remain anonymous. In other words, every furfag is by definition a namefag.

They often want to yiff (cybersex) with other furry characters. The word "yiff" started out as meaning just a sound that foxes make, as in "'Yiff, yiff,' says SexehFox. 'Oooh you is one sexeh fox,' Foxella yiffs back." Of course, it wasn't long before "yiff" became a furfag code word for "fuck" as in "SexehFox yiffs Foxella up teh ass. 'Wrong hole!' Foxella meeps!"

Furries are typically artfags, and are in abundance on art sites like DeviantART, where they can share their crappy, poorly proportioned drawings with other furries. There are also smaller but much gheyer sites dedicated to furries, such as FurAffinity, which sometimes allows full on porn.

If they suck at drawing so badly that even other furries don't want to look at their scibbles, they will migrate to MMOs like Second Life, Furcadia and GaiaOnline where they can make their avatars look like cartoon animals.

No matter their imaginary form or habits, they are all horrible and need to meet a horrible death at the receiving end of a flamethrower Lead pipe TOOTHPICK WHICH IS TO BE SHOVED WITH A BARE HAND INTO THEIR FUCKING BRAIN. LOL

Table of Contents

Horrors of History

Furfags go back a lot longer than you think. Remember Mickey Mouse, or an early perverted version, Fritz the Cat? Ever notice how so many fairy tales had talking animals in them? (The original stories were not so kid-friendly as the bullshit versions we have today.)

Now let's go all the way back to ancient Egypt. They had furries back then like Bastet, the half-cat goddess, Hathor who was half cow, Sekhmet who was half lioness, Taueret who was half hippo with huge pendulous tits, and many many others, even one called Nut! Think about it: the Egyptians were niggers, they kept Jews as slaves, and they worshiped furries! They were like a one-stop shop for all things fail.

I'd keep going all the way back to petroglyphs and cave paintings which often displayed people with animal heads, but who really gives a fuck?

Types of furries

Sun Tzu once wrote, "know your enemy". Well here are the most disgusting furtypes on the interbutts.

Regular "Furry" Animals

These are the kinds of animals you read about in storybooks as a kid. Well, except here the focus is on how the characters make little ones of their own. You can watch your childhood get raeped as Mother Goose spreads her cunt wide open and Peter Rabbit spooges from his enormous rabbit peter!


Foxes are the furries' most common fursona. We think this is because of Disney's early glorification of antropomorphic foxes in movies like Robin Hood. Foxes are typically eccentric and hyperactive, making sure everyone knows that "foxes like to yiff" about 12 times a second. It's really a sad sight; death row inmates feel sorry for them and priests want to yiff their children mercy kill them.


Argh! Not this popular animal shit again! Bunnies are a notable archetype, because furfags usually liek being predators and not prey. Bunnies will often be some grotesque Bugs-Bunny-like human/rabbit hybrid who spends its days in depraved fairy tale forests with strip clubs and prostitutes. They tend to be the faggiest of them all.

Neko Girls

Neko is Japanese for kitten. Kitten + Girl = Furry. It's probably all the Japs' fault, those bastards. It is important to know, though, that neko is not necessarily furry. See: Liru


You'd think that "furry" would be limited to mammals, caterpillars, tarantulas and certain types of mold, but no, there is even "furry" perversion for reptiles. WTF? Snakes and alligators with bewbs??? What other twisted things could be going on in their minds?


I know I've seen pr0n with bird characters, but I don't know what the fuck they call it, so I'm calling it "birdies". Avians. They call them avians you dumb nigger. Anyway, everybody except the director of Howard the Duck knows that birds can't have bewbs. What kind of shit is this?


There must be a furry rule 34 because you can find furry pr0n with just about any living thing, including insects, plants, alien things, and whatever. Everything is affected, including fish, mollusks, amphibians (o shi- battletoads..) (Yes, EVEN battletoads) and non-living things like toasters. (Toaster pr0n FTW!)


Sega character-based furries are a cancer that is killing Sonic. As Sonic the Hedgehog grew from an environmentalist on the Sega Genesis into an xtreme radical dude on the Dreamcast, he picked up a few friends along the way. And I do mean all kinds of them. Furfags often role play as Tails (who is a fucking fox, no less) and Knuckles (an echidna, what the fuck is an echidna), according to my VMU it's because they are fucking gay. Ever since the modern Sonic character design came out, rule 34 hell broke loose. Most people would rather GTFO than see a picture of Cream get reamed and creamed by Tails while Sonic spin dashes Amy Rose's snatch.

Pokefurs and Digifurs

Thanks to xtreme marketing, many kidz have grown to love Pokemon...and I mean literally. If you doubt how widespread this problem is, just look in the upper left corner of this website: doesn't that tell you something? Besides mudkips, there are hundreds of these deformed freaks that incessantly squawk their own names waiting for some sick fuck to "choose" them. Furfags draw all sorts of pokemon fucking in every imaginable unnatural combination. Even worse are the ones that obsess over Digimon. You can find pictures of Renamon doing indecent acts all over the fucking place. Oh, and both types of pr0n feature little girlz and boyz that often appear with the characters, getting fucked by the disgusting digi-pedos (making it a sick lolicon pedofur combination).

The Monsterfuckers

If you think the Sonic 34s are bad news, you will shit brix when you meet these faggots. These furfags love everything that a real geek spends all day slaying. Nagas for example, medusa-like sea creatures, can regularly be seen erotically asphyxiating obese furfags. Arachnids, spider-people, spend their days getting eyesocketfucked in one of their many eyeballs. They all belong to the group of furries, who want to suck fantasy pron into the unholy chaos of yiffing. And they're srs about it. When you surf on eBaum's, you'll find tons of pictures of misshapen monsters ready to mongle your cock. Evade this crap and nuke it from orbit (hack a satellite) at all cost.


Better known as itty bitty babies, these crazy pups, kittens, ducklings and hatchlings role play as animal babies who crap their diapers and have other people change them. Yes gentlemen, we are talking about coprophiliac paraphilic infantilism. These "people" are typically so far gone as to make the other furries seem like a breath of fresh air. In fact, the other furries run and hide when they see them. They must die for the sake of the Internet, humanity and extraterrestrial relations. Think we're exaggerating? Read up on orca stacks. That's all that needs to be said.


And then there are the pedofurs who stroke their rods while looking at cartoons of "cubs", not real cubs but basically children with fur, tails and animal ears, showing off their bits and getting raeped by the adult furries. This is really just the furry version of loli, shota, etc. and has the same kind of disgusting following. Hated even by other furries, these bastards hide in even darker corners of the interwebs, like Secretly Moon and shit. They must be locked in their little hiding holes and killed with fire!


What we have here are furries who truly believe they are animals. They wear animal suits constantly or have their bodies modified to more resemble the animal they believe dwells within them. They are often seen saying things along the lines of "(random animal/thing) lives within me, giving me power and strength. One day I will become (random animal/thing)." Some throw around words like "wereism" and "lycanthropism" and talk as if they were real life werewolves. They're like the shape-shifting druid in Diablo II, except with no ass-kickery to offset the furfaggery, other than the power to get a hard on while watching the neighbor's dog take a shit.


An otherkin is someone who thinks they're an ancient dragon, vampire, fallen angel, Orc Waaghboss or some shit like that. Technically they are the same kind of idiot as furry lifestylers, but twice as uppity and even more arrogant. A perfect waste of life and oxygen.


Furfags are very tolerant in terms of sexuality. Even if your fetish is to get punched by old men wielding zucchinis while you piss yourself in a pool full of balloons, you have a place in the dementia that is the furry community. The furfaggotry is full of fetishes, and to try to count them, much less describe them all, will lead to madness.


Yes, as in the dumb little grinning cuddly teddy bears. Nobody should have to imagine cute little dolls, gutted and pumped full of sperm in the dark of the night or fitted with a strapon or the inner parts of a Fleshlight. You don't even want to know what they did to the plushies of Meeko from Pocahontas. Say goodbye to what childhood memories you had left.


The yiffing will sometimes go beyond cybering, and turn into awkward sex while wearing a fursuit (basically like a mascot costume for a sports team or amusement park). Thankfully for the sake of decency, this is rare, as most furries fear the sunlight outside their mom's basement.


Zoophilia means sex with in REAL animals. This has no more to do with furry than hentai has to do with real raep or loli has to do with real child raep, but it's still sick. If you thought everything you read here up to now was bad, try to imagine being a helpless golden retriever being chased around a smelly basement by a madman (and/or sometimes a madwoman) with a jar of peanut butter.

  • There have been reports of zoophiles dying from getting their intestines pierced by a horse's dick. This is very dangerous and anybody who does it will probably die. It's a better idea to get prison gang raeped up the ass, srsly.
  • For your consideration: Poeticirony aka Dogmongler is a fat, ugly 14-year-old version of Velma, and she got herself sum Scooby Snacks, namely her dog's dick. ED has the scoop.

Furries support Anonymous against Scientology WTF?

The group known as the TheFurluminati have pledged support of Anonymous's war against Scientology on Youtube. "Yeah, a lot of us are fucked up in a lot of ways, myself included. Doesn't mean we can't recognize that Scientology is an evil organization. I support thee." - some furry from a Renaissance faire Clearly, we haven't hit the furfags nearly hard enough. Then again, it may be the fact that furries are self-hating, delusional fucktards making them claim to support us. In that case RAEP HARDER!

Memes & Terms


Pictures of anthropomorphic animals, usually of a sexual nature. Despised by most 4chan posters and strictly forbidden on all boards except for /b/. Even on /b/ furry pictures are generally not well received; "Furry Friday" has become a fixture in spite of this, but still provokes arguments among /b/tards. Furry artists and fans are derisively known as "furfags", which has little do with being gay and more to do with attention whoring. A few characters have gotten exceptions for being "hot", nostalgic, or technically appropriate to certain boards (Gadget from Rescue Rangers and Renamon from Digimon Tamers are examples). Some artists also have a (VERY) small following on /b/, such as the eponymous Tojyo, but its fans are usually tactfully quiet about this.

(c)Jax, © Jax

"Everything is copyright Jax." Phrase coined in response to a furry artist bringing his art to /b/; turned into the official reply to anything posted in /b/ one day in March of 2005. Continued on until later in the day, when either people got bored of it or W.T. Snacks did something. For a short time, "Jax" was wordfiltered into moot. Jax's personal website was hacked and deleted by a /b/ member, causing a stir on his LiveJournal. Jax prefers to be referred to as a man, but is actually a woman. However, since there are no women on the Internet, that is unlikely. FYI, the password was kawaii.

April Furs Day

Yiff in Hell, furfag! April 1, 2005, defying previous statements that no such board would ever exist on 4chan, moot created /fur/, a furry board. As the board was created on April 1, it was immediately assumed to be an April Fools joke. However, /fur/ was still up the next day and trolling it was openly discouraged, so the furfags began to believe /fur/ was for real. But the joke was truly on them, as everyone posting to /fur/ got banned (with redirection to an alternate "April Fools" ban page) and the board soon vanished forever. The idea probably came from the Something Awful forums, who had done a similar but more elaborate honeypot to excise its own furry population. As always, 7chan attempted to emulate its progenitor, two years after, only to fail spectacularly, as every moderator forgot about it immediately after the initial lulz from trolling their own userbase was had. They forgot to delete it, or even ban any posters, for almost two whole days, having been embroiled in IRC hijinks and online games, then after rolling over and smacking their snooze alarm once again only to find it coated in furry spooge, they finally remembered what they planned to do in the first place. Unlike the 4chan example, both trolls AND furries were banned, leading to even more unintentional self-trolling. All in all, a grand show PT Barnum would have been proud of, if he had been EFG.


A fairly unpopular male furry BDSM-fetishist camwhore. Stirred drama when he supposedly "left" 4chan because of lotus seed. moot then appended "ANDREUS WILL NOT LEAVE IF YOU STOP POSTING LOTUS SEED POD PRAISE JESUS!" to his post in huge red text, but by either mistake or design, he left the tags open, meaning that every post beneath Andreus' was rendered in massive red text. The presence of this text led many to believe 4chan was ending. Has since been shown not to have left 4chan, and still regularly camwhores on /b/. His leaving post has become copypasta (Snacks was particularly amused by it) and his "signature", consisting of "-Andreus (nerd-chan)" is very occasionally appended to pseudo-intellectual posts.

Cox the Fox


BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! From a panel in the babyfur comic, Incontinent Student Bodies, where a rabbit that has wet himself begins crying ("BAWWWWWW!!"). Typically used (with or without the image) to imply that person being replied to is a pathetic whiner.


Drama, among other things, is a deactivated wordfilter for almost anything relating to furries, because according to moot and WT Snacks, "furries cause drama". Despite it being an inactive wordfilter, furries are still occasionally referred to as "drama", and furry fans and artists are sometimes called "dramafags".

This stems from the fact that furry fandom is a nebulous group; the only thing that really holds it together is "we like cartoon animals", and most fans belong to one or more subcultures inside the fandom that don't necessarily get along with each other. The "furvert" subculture, which is sexually driven and has a whole list of unique fetishes, grew up around the fact that a lot of furry art is pornographic. This caused one of the first major flame wars in the fandom, about whether it was about relatively harmless, kid-friendly "funny animals" (like you'd see in the Sunday comics or at a ball game), or about fetishism and partying with an animal theme (not unlike what happened with disco and porn in the late 1970s; see, for example, Boogie Nights). On top of that, being a fantasy-related culture, furry has its share of people who aren't exactly right in the head; depression, "teen angst"/hikikomori (even amongst people well into their 20s) and entitlement issues are common, and quite a few people use the fandom as a religion ("lifestylers") or a support group. This combination of issues make furry one of the biggest "don't talk about this" topics on many boards, since (given the right environment) a thread about it can spiral out of control easily; this wasn't helped when Something Awful and Portal of Evil, among others, discovered the furverts in the early 2000s, something many hardcore furries are still bitter about.


Term used to accurately describe furries.

Furry Copypasta

A rant from a furry insisting he is, indeed, a fox and not a human. Describes almost everything bad about the furry fandom in just 7 sentences, and the combative tone makes it a highly effective troll even after being reposted hundreds of times. Versions depicting otaku, anime characters and /b/ memes have shown up as well, mostly to mock the original. The full text of the original is:

"Yes, I am a fox. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my animal soul long ago and I am happy together with my boyfriend (who is a cute b/w wolf). We have a fucking lot of friends in and outside of the fandom and I am pretty slim and good looking.
But thanks anyway asshole. Go and watch your stupid anime shit while I have SEX with my boyfriend."

Furry Friday

Furry Friday is the classic theme day for Fridays. On Furry Friday all threads are furry threads.

Jeremy Bernal

Popular furry artist of the site Despite his art even being popular with some /b/tards, he is ridiculed for generally being a huge prick about art distribution and taking strops about his art being obtained without payment. He is not the only artist like this; Tojyo, another furry artist, stopped producing art altogether after some started erasing his signature from his art and claiming it as theirs. Furry watchers may note that Bernal is possibly resurfacing, much like the mighty whale, in need of a breath of air. It is hoped that his art will again be shamelessly redistributed, to make him go away again. Many lulz will likely be had.

Orange Penis

Discuss. An image by a furry artist that has a chunky anthropomorphic lizard with an orange colored penis. This is a forced meme that usually shows up as a thread itself with the caption "Orange Penis. Discuss.", or in Furry threads.


Inspired by the furry comic Incontinent Student Bodies. Orca stacks[1] refers to some horrible adult diaper contraption worn by an orca to prevent leakage.

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