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Meeting minutes 2023 10 05

Robert Anderson edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Radu Coravu, Jarno Elovirta, Lief Erickson, Chris Papademetrious, Eric Sirois, Frank Wegmann, Roger Sheen, Kris Eberlein, John Pashley

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

4.1.2 was released this week - quite a lot of fixes, some cherry picked from develop branch

Item 2: DITA-OT 4.2 Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

Ops board:

Log message revisions --

  • Working on quite a few updates, listed in that pull request. Hoping for cleaner more consistent messages overall.
  • Unused / duplicate messages - will be marking as deprecated and we can remove later.
  • Upcoming work - working on language
  • There are quite a few commits, may not be easy to follow yet -- pull request still marked "Work in Progress" but feel free to chime in even before ready for review.
  • Once Roger is ready, will mark it ready for review and ask for input from others
  • One consistency issue ... we thought all messages should have a response but for some there really is not one, or it's just repetitive to state it

Upgrading FOP - discussion about turning off I18N font feature by default. Note that i18n doesn't necessarily have anything to do with translation, it's about font selection in general, and is a complex advanced feature; would be really nice to go with simpler solution that doesn't have the configuration difficulties. Radu notes that font selection today is almost like indirect key defintions, you point to what font, which points to a collection; it's actually more complex because today you have to select individual characters for each font. AH has had this feature all along, but for FOP you had to use this to get advanced font selection. Problems is ... so many plugins out there today may make use of this, so a change is likely to hit those. Because of that, may be better to wait until 5.0 to break this -- we can ship the new FOP but not turn off i18n, tell people how to switch so they can try it out, then turn off by default in 5.0. For 4.2 this makes it more of a doc change than anything else. Worth noting: PDF Themes disabled the i18n processing already, if you are using themes then this has no impact.

Potential theme for toolkit 4.2 -- developer experience (ties into all the log message cleanup). If you have any ideas for dev experience improvements, please create an issue.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Pull request came in today from Nokia, thanks for that. Discussion about how best to render, given that it requires a very long line, so code sample is not very nice (PDF is cut off, and HTML have to scroll) - it's an ant option so not easy to break.

Item 4: Other topics


Several registrations, large Finnish component. No proposals yet.

Where else to advertise?

  • readthedocs DITA channel?
  • linkedin? Lief can post in dita users group there, can also post in writethedocs
  • other social medias?

Google group for DITA-OT

Google group is at

Likely time to disable posting and encourage use of Github Discussions:

Thought is - notify folks that we've moved on to github discussions, please go ask there. Then maybe in a month or two, disable posting but keep the archive. Need to investigate if you can turn on notifications for just discussions, which might make it more like an email list for those who prefer that format.

Item 5: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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