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Meeting minutes 2018 10 25

Robert D Anderson edited this page Oct 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

Attendance: Radu, Robert, John, Roger, Shane, Jarno,

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

No patches currently planned for 2.5, 3.1.

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.2 Development status and updates

3.2 project board:

Lots of smaller items in over the last week, project board looking pretty empty for to-do / review columns.

Discussion of hazard domain -- PDF only.

XDITA, RNG support now bundled.

XDITA has version info in the plugin folder name - intentional? Yes, same as for DITA 1.2 and DITA 1.3 folders.

Footnote -- LwDITA added footnote support in markdown, but it's from yet another markdown format. Wondering if our shipped LwDITA parser support could handle? Possibly - but harder if not natively supported by the markdown parser (because it's from another flavor).

License for XDITA: the license file stored here doesn't lend itself to easy distribution / easy listing in a NOTICES file: In our general (or generated) notices, how do we list the license for this file? DITA 1.x are easier because they actually come directly from the standard, so license text is copied from the standard. Robert will contact OASIS to ask about it for LwDITA. Will also add DITA 1.3 info which is missing right now (we have 1.1 and 1.2 in the Notices file).

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

Markdown samples in doc/samples/ folder? Probably not necessary, given that XDITA plugin itself has a samples folder, but can't easily be referenced with coderef because it's over in the plugins folder. Could link to it instead - probably best for now.

Also getting errors from HDITA -- Roger to reach out to Carlos to ask about them -- see if they're correct, and if not are they going to be updated, etc.

Highlights for release notes?

  • Plugin install repo
  • RNG
  • Link crawling option
  • Conref constraint fix / relaxation

Strict versus Lax processing - don't think we have a doc topic that describes the difference, what lax allows. Might be a good idea but may not have time in the next week.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2018

Working on feedback form (final questions, possibly have info go direct to google docs as with submissions).

Chat about the plan for issues tracker. Would love burn down charts but don't see a good way to get that info. Should point out that quality of issues has improved with new templates for issues tracker.

Roger plans to bring adapters for everyone...

After-event on conference night? Probably should plan to meet up somewhere.

Also: will try to direct participants to our #dita-ot-day slack channel. If you haven't joined DITA-OT slack team, you can do so at

Item 5: Other topics


Item 6: Backlog discussion

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