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Meeting minutes 2012 07 31

robander edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 3 revisions

Attendance: Robert, Jarno, George, Radu, Eliot, Kris

Item 1: Patch release for 1.6

Fixed several defects. Not urgent to upgrade for everybody. Have several more fixes prepared but currently holding off 1.6.2 - do not want to give the impression that quality is worse this time; in fact, the patch releases are just a way to give people (usually minor) known fixes without waiting for 1.7 or using a 1.7 test build. The issues that have arisen are generally just an indication that our automated test suite does not have large enough coverage. Jarno working with Radu on some of these issues, should also result in additional test cases and better coverage.

Oxygen has found several issues, but can patch locally in their delivery using Jarno's fixes, without needing a build of 1.6.2.

Item 2: 1.7 Milestone 1

M1 is about ready to build - Jarno has a couple fixes to check in, then can build. Robert will need to build the Windows package. Jarno will build and upload the other versions. Waiting on a copy-to fix, and possibly an issue from Radu involving catalogs and support for nextCatalog.

Kris did a lot of work on the docs - uncertain if that is ready / pushed up. Robert to continue working with her.

Item 3: 1.7 Milestone 2

Kris: doc work continues.

Jarno: already emailed Robert about one issue. How to work with message IDs. How specific to get - new message # for every slight change in text, or reuse a message number with variable text. This came up with a message about URI handling, which has the same cause but different severity levels and remedies.

Jarno: probably also work on URI-as-input-argument issue. Have issues where docs today are read twice, but especially with URI as input, we want to read just once.

Robert: message updates from Kris that came in at end of 1.6; may also get to work on breaking filtering out from XHTML logic.

Item 4: Post-M2 plans for 1.7

Item 5: Other discussion

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