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Meeting minutes 2022 05 12

Robert Anderson edited this page May 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

Attendance: Roger Sheen, Robert Anderson, Radu Coravu, Julien Lacour, John Pashley, Jarno Elovirta, Lief Erickson, Eric Sirois, Kendall, Chris Papademetrious, Mitch, John Kirkilis,

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

3.7.2 discussion:

Not a large set of items but should be ready to go - no reason to hold it back. Need to prep release notes.

Radu asks about -- much more likely for a future patch. No idea yet of scope of change to support this.

Item 2: DITA-OT 4.0 Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

Overview of Robert's presentation on dita-ot 4.0 at Convex

Discussion of breaking changes, specifically Customization directories. No way to script a migration, so would need migration notes. It's basically a way to say "Run default PDF but with all this configuration info". Migration would mean - changing each of those to a new transformation type.

Docs currently have an overview of customization approaches. It lists these folders but does suggest doing a plugin instead.

Very difficult to know how widespread the cfg directory use is, or how many of those people are likely to upgrade.

Why remove in the first place? Code is messy, it's function we do not really want to support, anyone coming in new to the project in the future will have to learn about it even though it's not something we want.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

If not covered above...

Item 4: DITA-OT Gathering

Still in the future...

Item 5: Other topics


Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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