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Meeting minutes 2022 04 07

Robert Anderson edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 7 revisions

Attendance: Stefan Eike, Jarno Elovirta, Radu Coravu, John Pashley, Robert Anderson, Lief Erickson, Chris Papademetrious, Frank Wegmann, Julien Lacour, Mitch Abramson, John Kirkilis

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

3.7.1 is out

Should set up a project board for 3.7.2

New version of LwDITA plugin came out after 3.7.1, so it could go in 3.7.2

Radu has a couple items that would be good for 3.7.2:

Chris would like to see this one which is likely a more complex issue

Item 2: DITA-OT 4.0 Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

Robert has activity on DITA 2.0 nested steps support

Jarno would like to bring LwDITA feature support more up to date, need to do some research on the latest work on the spec

Radu adds two issues related to RNG:

Algolia search functionality on web site is being deprecated. Need to update for the replacement, likely target is 4.0.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Not much to say since last meeting other than 3.7.1 is out with release notes.

Item 4: DITA-OT Gathering

Looks like CIDM may still be planning on an event in Budapest, but unclear - Budapest was the plan for 2020, and no date is listed other than November on

Item 5: Other topics

Thanks from Chris to Jarno for project file updates. Some discussion of project file schema - it does not actually have a versioned schema, so (for example) if editing in Oxygen it won't know if you are targeting 3.7 (where this new stuff will not work) or 4.0 (where it will)

Discussion of project dependencies and the difficulties around them ... something like the "depend" list in an Ant target, a project file might depend on another deliverable. One of the difficulties here is that project files are available in xml, json, and yaml; the Ant "depends" attribute is relatively straightforward idea in XML but translating that to json/yaml starts to get messy. Use case driving this is a set of overlapping projects where one wants deliverables a/b/c, another wants b/c, another wants d/c, etc.

John notes - they generate project files which are then submitted to dita-ot.

Info about preprocessor Chris is using:

Github discussions

Github has a feature for discussions that we could use. Would like to try it out for support type content. Don't want issues in issue-tracker where people just want help. Right now we have some activity in Slack, which is not accessible to people outside of Slack, and will disappear in a few months. Github discussions are accessible to anyone and can be crawled by search engines. Also keeps the discussion close to the code and issue tracker, easy to link them. Can also mark a discussion item as "answered".

Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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