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Meeting minutes 2011 06 02

Jarno Elovirta edited this page May 12, 2012 · 1 revision

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Jian Le Shen, Jarno Elovirta, Reuven Weiser

Item #1 Milestone 7 status

Milestone 7 completed testing, release uploaded today, one day early.

Please verify that any fixes / RFEs you have added during this release are listed here:

Item #2 Milestone 8 plans

Milestone 8 is a clean-up iteration to focus on testing. Only allowing updates for documentation, minor fixes, or regressions encountered during testing.

Jarno has a few fixes planned to go in this week, including doc updates (single point of entry). At least for next release - should be separate doc build for full installation and for standard/minimum build. Have been comparing to other projects; many have entry page about project, then link to separate documentation for each release. We could do that (each release in a sub-folder). Would be useful when describing features, best practices, etc, can see those which apply to the correct release.

One option: over the next few weeks, create an overview page, link to the 1.5.3 documentation. Afterwards, could try to create docs for previous releases. Should not go back before 1.5 - much of the information up to that point was not maintained and was getting out of date.

Jarno notes: we still ship the old install guide; Jarno has been updating, but there is a lot of information, much of it out of date. We currently bundle the HTML Help and HTML versions of that guide in the build.

The dev_ref content is currently used by two maps; one has old design documents on how things might work (such as plug-in architecture), these are often out of date or include old design use cases. Could take those out and create a single map. Now - one of the dev_ref maps is referenced in readme, the other is in dita-ot-docs. Could combine, remove obsolete information.

Jarno took plug-in extension point wiki page, fine-tuned, tried to make it more up-to-date (add missing info, use correct DITA markup). Would like to include in documentation. The plugin.xml file depends on version of OT, so good to have this in release-specific docs.

Jarno's question: PDF2 plug-in doesn't have doc/ folder, no docs of its own. Quick start guide has some info, various pages list options, but should we establish a doc/ folder of its own? Would be nice - but putting doc/ under demo/fo/ will mess up paths and links (HTML Help will not work, docs up on SourceForge will end up with many extra directories). Would be better to isolate the PDF information but to keep it within doc/ directory.

Item #3 Next release: 1.5.4

Currently anticipating another minor point release -- put out at the end of the year.

Jarno at least plans a fix for the Milestone field in Java, when checking the current version; so have version 1.5.4.M3, final release is 1.5.4. Note: Jason plans to do something about this for 1.5.3 in M8, so that M8 is not included as part of the version.

IBM's plan for the next release is to continue following the bug tracker, and likely adding minor enhancements; not currently planning any major new features.

Jarno's initial feature list for next release:

  1. Go through Java code to remove all static fields (so it can run in one VM)
  2. Maybe start adding extension points to configure for cases with 100K documents: for example, ability to tell Saxon to discard documents rather than keeping them in memory
Potential idea for future doc updates: The specification includes several items that say "This is implementation dependent." It would be nice to have a page that addresses how we handle such items.
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