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Meeting minutes 2015 08 06

Robert D Anderson edited this page Aug 6, 2015 · 4 revisions

Attendance: Radu, Eliot, Kris, Robert, Guillaume, Jarno, Roger

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

  • Building 2.1.1 hotfix - package built, need a bit of quick testing (verify line ending issue is resolved)

Item 2: DITA-OT 2.2 status and updates

  • Shifting to gradle for build of DITA-OT distribution - more modern build tool, simpler to run, replaces several-step Ant + Ivy build
  • DITA 1.3 support: now have initial implementations of branch filtering, key scopes. Can improve as we go.
  • Will need to determine whether to release at DITA-OT day, before the release. Need to track 1.3 progress and make that decision later.
  • Flagging in PDF - Robert to take a look, see if it can be rebased on the preprocess
  • Something missing from 2.2 so far: way to prioritize plugins that contribute to DTDs, so that we could control catalog contributions. Would make it easier to say "use DITA 1.2" versus "use DITA 1.3". Haven't decided how to do this yet but looking at it. Eliot asks: enough to say "before base" and "after base"? Jarno not fond of that, prefer to specify priority. Eliot: may also be able to use priority to handle strings, to override base strings.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

  • Question from Jarno, about DITA 1.3 features in our docs: don't think we have many places to use key scopes, but have always thought our docs is an example of how the features can be used. We could do branch filtering to deal with parameters for various transtypes. Do we want to invent places to use 1.3 in our docs? Robert: hesitant to invent places for them, do not want to be an example of bad practice (reader asks, why would you ever use key scopes here? do I need to do that?) Roger: think we could use them, not talk much about them, but then have one topic that explains where / how we use specific DITA features. Jarno: for branch filtering, could continue generating specific transtype parameter info out of code, or could generate all info and generate the branch filtering instructions to control publishing. Eliot: could also have plugin-specific info within its own key scope, don't have to worry about key coordination across plugins. Roger: would really like to use XML Mention domain.
  • Roger: If we begin using 1.3 features in docs, that might be a lightning talk at OT day. Robert: good idea, highlights that we don't want to use the features poorly
  • Docs in 2.1.1, not too much there (release notes, couple other things), but could release them already

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2015

Registrations starting to flow in. DITA Europe call-for-speakers officially ended last week, though the submission form is still up.

Item 5: Other topics

Roger: comments on DITA 1.3 spec due tomorrow? Roger has a bunch of minor comments, typos and such. Robert encourages to get them in ASAP, we want to turn around the updates as fast as we can, we hoped to be done by Tuesday.

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