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Meeting minutes 2020 11 05

Roger Sheen edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 5 revisions

Attendance: George Bina, Aaron DaMommio, Jarno Elovirta, John Kirkilis, John Pashley, Robert Anderson, Roger Sheen, Lief Erickson, Frank Wegmann

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

No more patches expected for 3.5...

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.6 Development status and updates

Expecting a release late in November, date still not certain.

Project board for next release:

  • Not sure that multiple-input-file work will be merged, Jarno not quite happy with it.
  • In-memory processing still has a couple of issues in it, but is merged
  • FOP 2.5, Radu opened an issue, but no pull request yet. Never quite certain about updating FOP right before a release, that has caused regression issues in the past. If we can get it in soon, Roger's updates to and tests with our own docs will provide a good initial test.
  • Latest Saxon can't work yet because of error handling changes with XSLT 3.
  • Parallel processing - Jarno implemented parallel processing with build-in-parallel capabilities of Java streams. Seems to be a bit faster, but with modern SSD drives the improvement is not what it once would have been. Code changes not too big, had to do some things to make code thread-safe. Not done everywhere, only impacts some streams / XSLT modules. Toggle on/off with parallel option. Can't really benchmark improvement because it will vary so much based on what your DITA content has, what your system has, etc. Enabled in preprocess really, nothing much to parallel-ize in PDF2 with just one FO file.
  • DITA 2.0 - discussion of emphasis domain, audio/video. The audio/video elements are missing @scope which may be a problem, Robert will raise to TC. Tech content also has hardware domain (new element for button to press, should give a default style)
  • Roger may do some updates to SCSS to remove hard-coded @style attributes in a few more places, probably only HTML5 and leave XHTML alone.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

  • PRs to preserve metadata in site output
  • WIP for 3.6
  • Gradle 6.7 upgrade?
    • Errors with docs build due to use of ${basedir} for args.hdr
    • Alternatives?
      • Solve issue with relative references (they are longstanding so this seems difficult)
      • Anchor args.hdr path with something other than ${basedir}
      • Ask Eero about updating his Gradle plug-in
      • Switch from Gradle plug-in to project files (at least for dist builds)
  • What would we want to emphasize as 3.6 release highlights?
    • Parallel + in memory?
    • DITA 2.0

Item 4: Travis / GitHub Actions

Travis beginning to throttle open source projects. Travis statements are a little unclear, open source projects have a limit of 1000 minutes, but not sure if that's per month, year? We've noticed major slowdowns lately, with builds that used to take 2 or 6 minutes queueing for a couple of hours. We can start migrating some of the CI jobs to GitHub Actions, which allows 2000 minutes per month. Could also reduce the number of individual commits we push (reducing number of CI builds) but that's annoying. Also: we are building both a pull request, and the merged version. Could try and reduce that but not clear if that can be done, is there a way to disable a branch build if that branch is also open as a pull request (meaning today we build the same commit twice)? Also: if I push to my fork, does that count against dita-ot minutes or my own minutes?

Can try to update so the less frequent builds run on Travis, and ordinary everyday type work goes to GitHub Actions.

Item 5: Other topics


Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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