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Meeting minutes 2016 09 08

Robert D Anderson edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 3 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Radu Coravu, Kris Eberlein, Lief Erickson, Roger Sheen, Bill Burns

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

2.2.3 branch now open:

Item 2: DITA-OT 2.4 or 3.0 status and updates

Lots of thought around prior plans for 3.0 release in November:

  • Major functions (such as map-first processing) unlikely to be ready by then
  • Without major new functions / refactoring / changes, not sure there is justification for major jump in versions
  • Large version jump likely to cause concern among user base, which will expect compatibility issues
  • Don't actually have major compatibility issues planned at this point (possibly because major new function would not be ready for November)
  • Considering all of the above - seems best to hold off on a jump to "3.0", proceed with 2.4

Discussion: idea goes over well.

Radu: catalog issues found in last week with OASIS 1.3 (issue <

), and one about flagging in PDF ( - had users wanting to flag entire topics with @rev, doesn't work.

Radu: will chunking refactor that Jarno is working on be included in 2.4? Without Jarno on call, not sure. If he was on call, we would probably be hearing crying right now. Radu notes that probably half of the higher-priority bugs for them are related to chunking.

Flagging: Bill notes that flagging doesn't seem to be working in the WebWorks based merged file. Hard to say for sure why - Robert suggests maybe the preprocess flagging step is not run, or maybe the merge process they use is stripping that flag info back out. Hard to say for sure without knowing how the merged file is constructed. The merged file created with PDF does contain the flagging info.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

Jarno and Roger talked over quite a few things recently, some work now on generated info for extension points.

Roger asking about the "contribute to docs" button in footers - not working on one specific platform/browser combo, not sure if there is really an issue or if something on that person's system is interfering.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2016

November 13 in Munich - Robert will contact George directly to see what sort of follow up is needed for contacting presenters.

Item 5: Other topics

Pull request for DCO in

Positive response: good to simplify, good to bring up to date, good to bring us in line with other projects. Will also require changes to docs on main site - Robert will work with Roger to address it here

Item 6: Backlog discussion

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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