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Meeting minutes 2018 10 04

Robert D Anderson edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 3 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Radu Coravu, Frank Wegman, Jarno Elovirta, John Pashley, Roger Sheen, George Bina, Lief Erickson, Lionel Moizeau, Bill Gamboa

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

Hotfix 3.1.3 released yesterday. Good collection of fixes, many PDF related.

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.2 Development status and updates

3.2 project board:

  • XDITA document types should be included. Need to modify the build file to download and install that plugin. Should do some level of testing as well.
  • Need to take a look at the conref issue between DITA / XDITA. Robert will look. Probably also should have XSPEC tests.
  • Robert hoping for some PDF revision bar updates.
  • Discussion of RNG support coming by default. Everybody would like this, but have some issues.
    • Same old issue that Jing needs to be updated.
    • George sent email to James but got no response.
    • We are reluctant to ship our own forked / updated copy of Jing, but that could be an option -- fork the project, create a "release" with George's patch, and then pull that release into DITA-OT. George points out that the license allows it, but then anybody else using Jing + also using our stuff could have conflicting classes.
    • Also need a configuration for use with Xerces so that default attributes are handled with parsing.
    • So we would need to fork this, put in George's update, release using some version number, get a release of the extra RNG code with configuration, and use that release.
    • Should be able to coordinate this over Slack / with pull requests. Code has already been written so it's mostly code management (setting up repos / releases / etc).
    • Roger suggests a dedicated channel in Slack for this for now.
  • Plugin registry: added a travis configuration so that pull requests run -- does very basic validation of the plugin setup; in the future can also do test download to verify that it installs.
  • Question about whether we can include fix for #2947 -- Jarno points out it's really a LwDita plugin issue. Generally if someone can fix / submit pull request then it should be included. Radu has a fix that seems to work, listed as a comment in the issue. Need to check the fix in context to see though.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

Need some docs on the plugin registry; Jarno has provided some input, and Roger/Jarno will be together this weekend, so hope for progress soon.

Wondering how to best document some new items. For example XDITA - would need to extend section on authoring formats; Mark Giffen has offered to draft something there.

Should we consider implementing some documentation topics in LwDITA? Considered that in 3.0 (should some topics use MDITA), but ended up not doing that. We could do it as an example somehow with submap to show it works? Maybe the topics on LwDITA should be authored in LwDITA? If something like that happens it should be listed in the "DITA features we use" topic.

Lightweight maps? There is an XDITA map that would work, is effectively no different than a heavily constrained map. The MDITA map is not supported.

What level of docs is expected if RNG support lands? Sort of "how to use DITA", outside realm of "how to use DITA-OT". Could just list in page about what we support from DITA 1.3.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2018

Need to do more promotion. Announce notes, posting, etc. Need a final estimate to hotel of how many coming. Much discussion of attendance / advertising.

Item 5: Other topics

Next meeting following normal schedule would be November 1, Robert will be unavailable. Will hold one week early, October 25 to get in one more meeting before the release / before the conference.

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