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Meeting minutes 2017 07 06

Robert D Anderson edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Radu Coravu, Kris Eberlein, Eliot Kimber, Leigh White, Lief Erickson, Sebastion Quintas, Jason Fox, Bill Burns, Bill Gamboa, Eric Sirois

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

2.5.1 hotfix is out. Biggest item is keyref resolution for <linktext>.

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.0 Development status and updates

Radu asks: if I have a plugin that extends HTML, should it extend XHTML or HTML5? Robert suggests HTML5. Variety of reasons.

  1. It's where new feature development goes. XHTML is still maintained (Robert has many active users and will continue to maintain the code), so it's not deprecated.
  2. Anybody coming in looking for new output is expecting HTML5 -- the large number of XHTML users are mostly using it out of habit.
  3. Roger notes: CSS is generated for HTML5 from SASS, don't use the static versions that still get used for XHTML. You need to run a build of the distribution to regenerate, just running plugin integrator will not recreate CSS.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

Question came up recently about Slack channel - how do you get in? Currently, need an invite, because that's how Slack works (or worked at the time?). Do we want to publish a team email that somebody could contact? We do have an email now but before listing, want to make sure that it's going be checked often - definitely don't want an email that only gets checked monthly. Another option: some Slack teams set up a form that lets anybody join. Automates process but also could allow bots in.

Couple of minor fixes in 2.5.2 queue but nothing that should be rushed out - do not want to start the hotfix clock just for these.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day


Have 18 people registered at the moment. Not sure if dita-users has been notified yet, Radu or George can do so.

Currently says call for proposal ends July 17 - should probably delay till end of July.

Roger suggests it's time to add the banner to

Item 5: Other topics

Code of conduct now up. Came about after github introduced the community check list of things most projects have or should have -- we were at 3 of 4, with the readme / contribution policy / license. Current code of conduct text is more or less boilerplate, comes from which is what github suggests for a project our size. Roger points out that a common issue with such codes is - you need to be explicit about who will get reports, and provide an alternative if the person getting comments could be the problem. Generally a touchy subject and difficult with a team that has such a small number of committers. Discussion will continue.

Item 6: Backlog discussion

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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