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Meeting minutes 2023 04 06

Robert Anderson edited this page Apr 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Chris Papademetrious, Pieter Jan, Radu Coravu, Jarno Elovirta, Josh Johnson, John Pashley, John Kirkilis, Roger Sheen, Will MacLean

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

4.0.3 project board:

Only one ticket on the board right now. Could add a branch filtering fix that is targetted at next release.

Item 2: DITA-OT 4.1 Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

New PR approved today to add code linting for Java, using Prettier. Relies on Node JS. Need to run a script ahead of time when creating PR. It's part of CI, could consider updating to try and give better message when linting fails.

In-progress update to catch up to latest DITA 2.0 doctypes.

MD updates coming in 4.1; can use a "lightweight DITA map" from MD. It's not quite official because the spec work is not fully fleshed out; it supports a simple heading and list format with links to topics. Currently unordered / bulleted lists, considering support for ordered. Some support for keyrefs, work same way as old MD keyrefs. At this point a lot of this has not been tested outside of Jarno's sandbox testing. Could release the plugin initially for folks to test before it goes into a release, but in practice this does not get much input.

Discussion of lwdita plugin documentation, and how best to present this. Do not want the latest info in our dev docs as a lot of folks use those as the "current" ones, and having info about the plugin which is ahead of the release could be misleading. For now a lot of the latest docs are in the plugin repo in a wiki; open an issue if you have any suggested updates.

Would like to do more work on themes, but nothing major coming for 4.1.

Need to go through open pull requests before closing 4.1 to make sure we include all candidates; Chris has some to consider that should go in.

Had hopes of getting Saxon updated for 4.1, but it is out of scope. They fixed a bug we had been waiting on but we encountered another after that. Could update to latest FOP.

Timing - we can consider closing up the release ahead of Convex which is 2 weeks out. Will be a small release.

Jarno expects he can finalize his plugin work for that; uncertain if there is enough time to document them all. The lwdita schema stuff in particular only has dev-oriented docs right now.

After discussion - probably better to not rush for Convex deadline; prefer to finish it up soon after so that docs are complete.

Ops board:

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Question from John: I’d like to talk about syntax coloring in codeblocks if there’s time. For example,

Current tooling just depends on putting the code language in the outputclass, which injects the necessary info. Same approach as Jason's plugin but we are adding it at render time, where his injects it at build time.

Good discussion with Chris P about publications vs deliverables - Would like to incorporate some of those illustrations in the docs.

There's an open pull request about isolating extension point customizations Coul use some additional explanations in the docs about how changes to preprocess impact everything, because of the way it is reused. Generally all of these extensions are global, unless explicitly stated that they are not.

Item 4: Other topics


Item 5: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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