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Meeting minutes 2019 07 11

Robert D Anderson edited this page Jul 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

Attendance: John Pashley, Jarno Elovirta, Bill Gamboa, Radu Coravu, Roger Sheen, Lief Erickson, Frank Wegmann, Kris Eberlein

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

3.3.3 patch with a few small items. Has been open about a month so should probably call it and ship. Includes a late update from LwDITA plugin that stops treating format="html" as HDITA.

Discussion about the different parsers in that plugin; markdown vs mdita (mdita tries to limit to official MDITA format), htmlReader vs hditaReader (same).

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.4 Development status and updates

3.4 project board:

Radu comments: several people having issues with branch filtering + relationship tables, key scoping. Also questions about how to handle binary resources when you have branch filtering.

Jarno would like to close out the support for project files - have github ticket for project files. Haven't had time to work on it lately (it's basically feature complete). Ready to close it? Robert / Roger think yes - unlikely to get more feedback by leaving it open, calling it "early support" and let people start using is the best way to get feedback. Already tested with our docs and worked out a few issues so works at that level.

Roger brings up indexing issues. Reason that interests us now - Lief has been working on indexing our docs, which has raised several of the issues, many of which are now open as defects in our tracker. In particular issue - should be fixed if we can, the current result is incorrect.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

Indexing covered above...

Lief has also put together a draft glossary for our docs - currently a PoC but will want feedback on that once it comes in as pull request.

Other item suggested by Kris - at some point it might be good to have an index support matrix - how DITA-OT supports different indexing features when publishing with FOP vs AH vs XEP.

Should we consider shipping some sort of override (or customization dir) for PDF processing? Could be used to fix some things that bug us. Robert and Jarno both don't really like the idea of shipping configuration directory because that's not the best way to go. One thought: ship branded PDF created using plugin, anybody can rebuild/reproduce but to do so they need to learn how to install that plugin from the registry. Helps demo the registry / demo plugins and gives better first taste of PDF output when viewing. Discussion of pros/cons...

Issue with Algolia; looking at different tool. Now using docsearch. It does not index any terms / words with periods in the middle, and our docs have a lot of those - they are the most frequently searched for. Also have instantsearch which might be a solution but won't be as simple, it's not as hands-off.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2019

Call for proposals is out there now:

Not much activity yet on registrations. Not too surprising with no agenda yet.

Jarno has two proposal ideas to consider, just taking a while to get the code working for the thing he wants to talk about -- running DITA-OT as service. Other topic is description of project files.

Robert's thought so far - recent meetings there was a suggestion about DITA-OT history, could certainly do that tho the focus would probably be like "how we got here and what needs to change and what we could use help changing". Fun with technical debt.

Roger has skipped the "latest on docs" for a couple years because it didn't seem like there was much new to talk about but then we look back and seems like a lot has been done. In particular with Lief helping, have a lot to talk about.

Item 5: Other topics


Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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