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Meeting minutes 2014 08 12

Robert D Anderson edited this page Aug 12, 2014 · 2 revisions

Attendance: George, Radu, Robert, Jarno, Roger, Kris

Item 1: 1.8 release status

Should probably release 1.8.5 soon. Robert has one new bug today to validate and possibly fix.

DITA-OT 2.0 status and updates

Jarno did a bunch of code cleanup during his vacation - swapping out the string-writers that were used for XML. Mostly motivated by a new feature that hasn't been part of the code yet - create an API over the temp directory to handle the temp structures. For example would let you keep everything in one directory, but appears to code as if it's in directory structures. Also allows keeping files as DOM in memory, to improve speed.

DITA-OT day in Munich

Seen several people registering, including some that are not going to DITA Europe. Will work on marketing the day again this week. Need to add link to event on DITA-OT website. Have a form set up for submissions.

Need to contact vendors about participating in the vendor panel (how do you use / extend OT) -- need to contact folks, brainstorming vendors - ixiasoft, bluestream, mekon, adobe, sdl?

When would we like to have a final agenda for dita-ot day?

Doc updates and plans

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