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Meeting minutes 2023 09 07

Radu Coravu edited this page Sep 8, 2023 · 7 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Radu Coravu, Jarno Elovirta, Guillaume Delory, John Kirkilis, Chris Papademetrious, John Pashley, Roger Sheen, Lief Erickson, Josh Johnson

Item 0: Release schedule for 4.2

Need to confirm planning as it likely impacts any patch planning

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

Chris P has several pull requests open that should be reviewed. One PR for footnote in link text - likely candidate for patch.

When creating hotfix/4.1.2 branch, need to cherry pick a couple of fixes, and check for any dependency updates made for security issues.

Item 2: DITA-OT 4.2 Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

Should consider the submap metadata update from Chris P, will verify with John K that it has been used effectively without further updates. Chris's update just preserves the metadata, does not include all the propagation.

Jarno tentatively looking at filtering bug / corner case recently found by SyncroSoft, but has had trouble getting it to work. Would like to address before release.

Ops board:

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Roger notes an old issue was reopened today, to add an FAQ:

Issue had been closed as stale, but we got interest in reopening / updating. Extended discussion about this ... it regularly comes up as a question (do you have a FAQ becoming a frequently asked question), and we have an offer of help, so would like to pursue it. Need to take care, there is a lot of conflicting advice in the field about how to manage an FAQ and whether they should exist. Many questions that actually come up regularly already have answers in the doc, so if we add an item it could serve as a pointer to that answer in the doc. John K suggests a related idea, of targeted questions by audience (novice doesn't care about plugins, developer might focus on that).

Roger will follow up in the FAQ topic to try to get it focused on something we can move ahead with now.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day Sunday Feb 11 in Helsinki

Room has been reserved, need now to think about what we want to focus on. Call for proposals is open. Need to start the promotion for the event, although we don't yet have a schedule. Could also update dita-ot site / docs banner to link over to it.

Probably want to keep the request for proposals rather broad, to ensure we don't scare people away from proposing ideas.

Could post to github discussions and ask what people would like to hear about; if people come up with new ideas they'd like to hear about, we add that to the list of things on the call for proposals. Update:

Other topics

Oxygen release coming up that bundles DITA-OT 4.1.1.

Radu looked at bug fixes that Jarno has made in preprocess2; would be interesting to have a patch release with those bug fixes, so that they could start going thru test process. Those fixes are currently in develop branch as we expected a november time-frame for release.

Mention of iiRDS - there is a group looking at interactions with DITA; nobody on the call today has worked with that or used any plugins.

Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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