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Meeting minutes 2013 05 07

Robert D Anderson edited this page May 7, 2013 · 6 revisions

Attendance: Robert, George, Julio, Matt, Kris, Eric

Item 1: Milestone 3 status

Jarno mostly working on preproccess. Several other minor updates included. Need to build and upload the package. Radu also contributed some design for referencing topics outside of map directory (Oxygen already has a fix); not sure if Jarno checked into M3 or not, need to verify.

Item 2: Continuing work: M4

  • Jarno contemplating HTML5 output (for now, just DOCTYPE update, but allows room to grow)
  • Julio asks about media work from Eliot's package and his own work. Could be integrated into HTML5 output. Julio pretty sure it's based off of base DITA elements, with XSLT that creates HTML5 media elements.

Item 3: Preprocess Next

Current focus of Jarno's work - new, alternate preprocess that replaces the existing one. Would like some people to test if interested.

Item 4: Documentation changes / needs, and any updates due to coming changes

  • Deleted old directories from git (langspec 1.1, archived user guides from 1.3 and earlier)
  • Moved (shipped) source from doc/ to docsrc/ to clean up packages
  • Plugin to generate better looking PDF for our shipped documentation.
  • Next steps: refine further to make the doc easier for people to find stuff.
  • From CMS/DITA Conference: Kris got several names of people interested in helping with doc. Need to figure out how to manage that. Would be nice to have a running backlog of doc items that people could help with.
  • Has been a discussion of moving doc from sourceforge. No solid plans yet.

Item 5: Additional topics

  • Additional note about the CMS DITA conference. Interesting panel discussion about the toolkit and how it is used. Some nice feedback, hoping for new contributors. Lots of praise for the great work Jarno is doing. Suggestion for a code-sprint for DITA-OT at the DITA Europe conference (in Munich in November). Also, would love to get more feedback or interaction from other vendors that use the OT; some were present, hope to get connected.
  • Suggestion from George to have more help on how to get involved (such as tasks that people could do, or where to go to accomplish specific goals). Make this a central item for our next call: how to help people who want to contribute?
  • SourceForge trackers, lists, wiki: trying to disable most of them (except dita-ot-developer, which is rarely used but do not have an alternative at the moment)
  • Release management (building / uploading zips) moving from Jarno to Robert
  • Plain text output: just a tweak of troff. Hoping to get into 1.8
  • Matt: has 9 additional languages for OT - working on internationalization settings. Need final approval from legal to contribute. Can also send an example of local look/feel for PDF, to see if we want to use similar styles in our OT doc. Couple things that would change - get rid of finger icon (offensive in some cultures). Replace icons with SVGs so we don't have jpg resolution issues. Matt can help out.
  • Eric: added some fixes to XSD files, into pull request. Got bundled with older pull request for XSD caching ... probably need to pull apart so we can just get the XSD fixes.
  • Kris: would like to push on idea of code sprint - if it's going to happen, the sooner we can help publicize, the better.
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