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Meeting minutes 2017 08 17

George Bina edited this page Aug 18, 2017 · 2 revisions

Attendance: George Bina, Bill Gamboa, Robert Anderson, Bob Johnson, Roger Sheen, Sebastien Quintas

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

2.5.2 is out... 2.5.3 hotfix branch has been created but not much content yet.

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.0 Development status and updates

Jarno has focus preprocess2

Robert has focus on test coverage

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

Minor updates in 2.5.2, more will go into 2.5.3.

Kris, Shane working on indexing - not sure how much progress so far, will find out in docs call next. not sure if that will be in 3.0 or after. Same with revising top-level structure of docs, hoping to go in 3.0 but will depend on availability.

General - need to figure out what overall docs effort will be for 3.0. Think preprocess2 will not have major impact; if you haven't customized preprocess it won't affect you much, but may need detail for those who have. Roger's understanding: need to revise sections that deal with preprocessing flow, either add new description or replace old content with new. Robert's guessing augmentation, but new one should be highlighted / the default.

LwDITA - Robert suggests a topic to acknowledge the format and say what (if anything) we're doing with it in 3.0, particularly if we ship Jarno's markdown plugins.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day

Have gotten a few proposals for DITA-OT day: Eliot, Radu, Jason Fox, Leigh White. Nothing from the core folks, who need to submit ideas. Several have been tossed around but not yet submitted officially:

  • Jarno -- LwDITA update
  • Robert -- syntax diagrams (teased last year but code has since been posted)
  • Robert -- how we manage 50+ plugins for a common build environment
  • From recent chat between Jarno and Robert: survey of users, how to tell what's used, what's not? can we get help? George comments - they don't tell us "We don't use JavaHelp" but they'll ask "how do we do customizations of html / pdf". Bill also says same -- people customize html / pdf, but don't say "we are missing X that was removed". Sebastien has phone-home type plugin but it's all internal facing, when you kick off a build it pings a server with some info about what's running.
  • Probably some technical discussion of preprocess2 - what, why, how to update
  • Probably once again, a session on the overall size / health of the team for such a critical project - Roger liked Kris's session from last year, not sure if she's interested in a new version
  • Roger - as usual, should have a lightning talk on updates to docs since last session
  • Roger - had idea to give session on customization of HTML5, for bootstrap, foundation, etc - we do that for project website so shouldn't take much to wrap that up into a general tutorial. But don't have content ready and not sure what will take to create.
  • Bob Johnson asks about a general session - how to fork the repo, do a pull request - get people started on participating. Roger did a version of that in the past.
  • Any ideas on "most requested customizations", maybe that vendors get? Radu can take a look

George mentions - Stefan looking to contact potential supporters / sponsors. Have a couple so far - Icarus, Oxygen, Comtech.

Need draft agenda - then can send a round of announcements on the usual channels.

Note for people attending TCWorld, traveling from Stuttgart to Berlin: Roger mentioned that Air Berlin has some issues and it is not recommended to book flights for October with them at this time, see for example:

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