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Meeting minutes 2014 06 03

Robert D Anderson edited this page Jun 3, 2014 · 4 revisions

Attendance: George, Radu, Kris, Robert, Jarno

Item 1: 1.8 release status

1.8.4 still the latest version posted. Have a few fixes in 1.8.5 stream but haven't planned a fixpack yet.

DITA-OT 2.0 status and updates

Jarno added map-driven PDF processing for page sequence generation. Currently page sequence is generated based on topics; Jarno added support for doing this based on map structure. Not the same as Eliot's map driven processing (same term but no code relationship). Can be turned on/off so can still use the old one. Map driven is much easier to work with. Not sure which is / should be default in 2.0. General feeling - default should be the map driven; those who customize page sequences can get old behavior by adding one variable to customization, but process becomes vastly easier for moving forward (for customizations, for maintenance, etc).

Another change - updated model for generated text like "Chapter". Should be backwards compatible so this should not break existing customizations. Still have independent strings for PDF and for others but use same syntax. Would like to merge but need to decide where to store.

DITA-OT day in Munich

Registration page now available:

Decided against registration fee, too much hassle to process currencies, taxes, etc. Need to try and encourage people who register to attend. Minimum attendance (per hotel cost) is 50. George has posted initial idea of agenda. Need to decide on what to have, sessions, panels, discussion, lightning talks, etc.

Things to work on:

  • What do we want in talks? Start with intro, at least one "under the hood" about development, what else?
  • Find marketing channels: update DITA-OT web page to mention it, mailing lists, CIDM page about DITA Europe
  • How to decide which submissions to accept
  • How to try and ensure that those who register show up

Kris and Robert to talk this week about more specific agenda ideas, to meet up again next week with more ideas. George / Kris / Robert to meet again next Thursday to go over details.

Doc updates and plans

Need to have a list of doc impacts from 2.0 so far (this milestone and previous).

Need to add: AH updates Kris found this week.

Other topics?


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