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Meeting minutes 2012 09 04

robander edited this page Sep 25, 2012 · 1 revision

Attendance: Robert, Jarno (trouble with conf # resulted in separate call)

Item 1: 1.7 Latest Milestone

Posted as Milestone 1. Slow going getting originally planned M1 out due to vacations and other workload.

Item 2: Plans for next milestone

Will contain Kris's documentation updates.

Those wishing to contribute any significant updates to 1.7 should begin the process, at least familiarizing others with the code / needs - reminder that large changes cannot be evaluated / accepted very late in the schedule.

Jarno working on changes to the extension processing in the temp directory. The code today forces all DITA topics to use one extension, so if you have test.xml and test.dita, it's a silent error. The extension processing also makes a lot of the code really muddy. Much of that is present for historical reasons. One thing to be aware of - if we focus exclusively on @format for the test, we will run into many issues with links that specify scope=external, go to some website or html page, and don't set format.

This is related to other issues (would much simplify code), such as an option to flatten directory structures.

For this milestone:

Jarno to continue work on extension rewriting. Also identifying dead links - can identify early, add a namespaced attribute, later steps can ignore / reduce errors.

Robert to begin work on refactored flagging code. Will expect to use namespaced elements/attributes to pass ditaval info through to following steps.

Item 3: Issues / discussion

Discussion of several items in specification: copy-to, chunking, links.

Discussion of tracking items - how to mark items that we have no plans to fix, but are still valid (sometimes very old) bugs? For example, bug about lack of support for troff tables - no plans to fix, but would accept fix if somebody wishes to contribute.

Jarno playing with several other items. Have one branch right now to play with storage of processing state. Could be a replacement for dita.list and related files.

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