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Meeting minutes 2014 12 02

robander edited this page Dec 2, 2014 · 6 revisions

Attendance: Jarno, Eliot, Roger, Shane, Robert, George, Kris, Radu

Item 1: 1.8.x release status

Have a branch for 1.8.6. Jarno made some updates to map merge process in recent code, Eliot expecting to make it a pull request for 1.8.6. Eliot's clients tripping over issue due to copy-to in submaps.

DITA-OT 2.0 status and updates

Any urgent 2.0.1 fixes? Have a few fixes but not too urgent yet. Jarno would prefer to release early - maybe another week but not long.

Eliot about to start on project to port some items to 2.0 - may uncover some more items?

DITA-OT day in Munich

Went well. Everybody seemed happy - in room and online. Kris had clients on the whole time from US mountain time / western time.

Recordings are now available and being checked, expect to upload soon, likely overnight tonight.

Jarno: When announcing videos, should we set up questionnaire? What would they like to see from a future event? George will try to set something up and run it by the group. Robert notes: if we have a future in-person event, it can't just be the same presentations - those will already be on youtube - so will need a new focus.

Kris: did hear people asking about hands-on, or workshops. Eliot agrees, would probably be no problem filling those up, maybe a second day of workshops.

DITA-OT future major release: 2.1

Probably want to have next major release before too long (not as long a delay as 2.0). Try to release more often. Maybe return to the (approximately) 6 month cycle. If we can ship 1.3 features in it, then it's worth a major release. Likely won't be any other huge performance boosts, some things we can work on, but for those running as today, 1.3 features are shiniest new things.

Doc updates and plans

Docs split out of main source repository to

Roger has been doing a lot of new work reorganizing / updating docs. Many things coming out of discussions in Munich. Also, updates for consistency (naming, file extensions, ...)

Kris has old work that was done, never checked in - considering attempts to pull that out before Roger does major refactoring. Not sure if those will be found quickly. Will look over the next day - if can't find, will move on and maybe integrate later.

Would like to set up meeting just for doc subgroup to go into really detailed info about docs - at least Kris, Roger, Shane; Robert would like to at least listen in. Known first topics: how to manage / structure / work on docs; what info goes where (doc website, readme, wikis); try to come up with a way to document known plug-ins (can we overcome issues with curating the list).

Other topics

New URL for project: (all content still hosted same way at github, just gives easier-to-remember URL)

Minutes from all contributor calls

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