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Meeting minutes 2023 02 09

Robert Anderson edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 7 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Lief Erickson, Radu Coravu, Jarno Elovirta, John Pashley, Frank Wegmann, Roger Sheen, Chris Papademetrious, John Kirkilis

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

4.0.2 project board:

Draft release notes:

Radu has one more open pull request on the hotfix branch (conref not resolved in ditamap titles). Jarno will try to look at it this week.

Reminder that Chris needs review for 4 open tickets:

Item 2: DITA-OT 4.1 Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

Ops board:

Discussion of recent OASIS work around relationship tables - removing the "resolve mapref and move relationship tables up" part of the spec. This was problematic when key scopes were introduced. New language simply allows you to keep relationship tables where they are in the hierarchy, even though reltable is only allowed at top level in source map. Hope is this makes scoped key processing simpler. Jarno suggests we could do this and still after key resolution / before maplink or during clean-map, move all the relationship tables up to top level, so anyone with extensions still finds them at the expected spot.

Jarno doing refactoring work around Java code. Discussion about git blame - would like to ignore reformatting commits when looking at history. Would be nice to have something like Prettier with Java code, some standard linting rules for consistency.

Eliot has raised issues about problems with chunk=to-content in preprocess2:

A nice goal for 4.1 would be bulking up preprocess2.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Release notes ready for review with 4.0.2

Item 4: Other topics

Continuing funding discussion: last time, tried to outline some options.

  • Github has an option to sponsor open source projects
  • Have also looked at open collective, many open source projects going this route

Chris, John, and Aaron discussing metadata cascades.

  • Chris had pull request open that was closed:
  • There remains an issue for how metadata propogates:
  • Closed ticket because realized it had a bug in it -- the include function runs twice, before/after keys. Need to look more closely.
  • Spec language around this cascade is being ironed out for 2.0 right now -- if these pull requests are going to modify the actual cascade result, would prefer to merge only after that language is done, so we know the updates are compatible with what is coming

Item 5: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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