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Meeting minutes 2019 02 07

Robert D Anderson edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 5 revisions

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Kris Eberlein, Lief Erickson, Shane Taylor, Roger Sheen, Radu Coravu, Bob Johnson, Kerry Langford, Eric Sirois, Frank Wegmann, Jarno Elovirta, John Pashley,

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

Never created a project board for 3.2.2 but have at least 2 items. What to do with those?

Will roll them into 3.3 -- both items pretty trivial. Will focus on release late this month.

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.3 Development status and updates

3.3 project board:

Robert would like thoughts on table entry rotation

  • Rotation attributes work in AH, already in PR
  • For FOP / XEP, you need to set a width and/or height for the cell. Without that value, rotated text writes over cells (FOP) or the cell goes from the current point to the end of the page (XEP)
  • I do not intend to try and calculate / estimate content size and set the width/height, that is what the formatter is for
  • I don't think we should set a default, with no way to change; it becomes hard to adjust without digging into XSL, and will often be wrong / lead to broken output
  • Options seem to be: just support this for AH (the initial pull request), or allow custom tokens to pass height/width in with @outputclass

Discussion outcome: just support AH out of the box, because it works without having to create custom tokens or other DITA hacks to adjust PDF entry sizes. Try to set up the code in a way that makes customizations for support in FOP / XEP easy.

Theoretical question: how / when to detect "This extra file is needed"? Specifically, images for hazard domain in HTML output. After discussion ... the image use for PDF is a small SVG, and if we inline the SVG in HTML, it bypasses any issues with alternate ways to reference / copy the image.

Roger / Jarno discussion about Java JVM defaults and RenderX (referencing old issue)

Stan Doherty raised an issue a few days ago -- lack of OOB support for change bars in PDF:

Eliot has submitted a patch to FOP but support is not in FOP yet.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans, update on documentation call

From past meetings - have not lost track of a dedicated "Events" page.

Also: banner for docs currently says "This is dev stuff, here is latest stable release", tried to add one that says "These docs are old, here is latest stable release" -- works on staging site but not on live site so have not added that yet.

ProBot: enabled for docs and site repo as well.

New discussion item about JDK variants -- need to clarify not only which versions we support, but also which JDKs

Site build is currently broken with latest dev build so need to figure out what's up, had not tried in a while, Roger investigating

Much discussion of containers and package managers - Jarno is going to look more into docker container solution

Additional discussion of Gradle versions / dependencies.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2019

Probably not ready for this yet...

Item 5: Other topics

Should we keep hosting on GitHub Pages, or move it to Netlify?

Moving would reduce our dependency somewhat on GitHub, which right now has everything project-related. Netlify offers more options / features than GitHub Pages; builds are easier to debug. This would be an invisible change to anyone visiting the page, just under the covers stuff.

One neat option, they can build versions of the docs for different branches of the code, with specific URLs - Roger has done this manually for review with GitHub Pages, but would be nice to have it automated. Can also let Netlify handle DNS stuff (optionally).

Only thing really stopping it right now - they have free packages for open source but those assume one maintainer, which would make things tricky, but could use a bot account that lets more than one maintainer log in.

Investigation will continue.

Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards:

Clone this wiki locally