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Meeting minutes 2011 05 12

Jarno Elovirta edited this page May 12, 2012 · 1 revision

Attendance: Jarno Elovirta, Robert Anderson, Reuven Weiser, Robert Justice

Item #1 Milestone 6 status

Milestone 6 is released today (one day early).

Item #2 Milestone 7 plans

Due to the early release of M7, it is already possible to commit updates to the M7 package. Note: Milestone 7 will be the last milestone for this release with any significant updates. After M7, we will have a stabilization period, and then release a final build at the end of M8.

  • Jarno: working on PDF2 items. In M6, changed Ant code to use <xslt></xslt> task instead of forking Java, for flagging and for i18n. Didn't convert main processing - couldn't make Saxon quiet about missing files. Noticed today: won't work with Ant 1.7.1 -- bug in 1.7.1 (maybe 1.7.2) where can't load XML Resolver Jar. That's why extensions which use the catalog don't seem to work. Options: revert back to forking Java, or, update the Ant that ships with DITA-OT to latest version. Latest is 1.8.2. Shame to make people update, but would like to do less Java forking.
  • Should also consider updating Xerces (we do not ship the latest)
  • Jarno: PDF currently supports fop, xep, AH. Have to fork for AH because it's in C. For FOP: use the ant task that comes with it. XEP: today we fork the process with custom java code. Jarno has code to have XEP run in the same VM -- but then need to allocate more memory to the primary VM (makes it the same as with FOP). In the end may use less memory. Advantage: when running OT in server environment, if we know OT will just use a single process, can allocate a gig of memory, no worries about balancing memory between forked processes. Potential perception problem (allocating 500MB to one process may feel like more than 400+400). Also a problem if 400+400 works today, somebody updates, but the new single VM uses 450. Robert suggests asking dita-ot-developer list for opinions -- if no objection after one week, can do it.
  • Jarno: few bugs in the current code. Extension point for PDF2 - have lower priority than format-specific stylesheets. Already have a fix for that.
  • Reuven: One question about documentation. A few features that Suite-Sol contributed (flagging, glossary) - each has some documentation about limitations or usage notes. Is there an official way to get that doc included in dita-ot? Should integrate with Rob's docs + doc directory. Reuven and Rob will connect to get the info integrated.
  • Jarno: a PDF2 pet peeve -- it's located in the demo/ folder. Should not move that one, but there are some plug-ins in demo folder that are somewhat redundant, or don't use proper plug-in structure. Haven't checked which are shipped. For example, enote. Should probably clean these out or refactor.
  • Reuven: doc questions:
    • Correct that we do not want conref in the quick start that reuses old user guide? Try not to use the old "user guide" - but can reuse anything we ship in the doc directory.
    • We discussed a new migration topic for developers - anyone write it? also address plug-in developers? Jarno has put some migration information in the release notes.
    • What's the priority of getting the new plug-in updates into the docs? Not high - people could start using new plug-in features, but old ways still work, and must use old ways if also supporting users on earlier versions. Jarno updated the docs at - don't currently have much other doc on creating plug-ins.
    • Jarno: unlike Eclipse, OT doesn't have a way to say "this plug-in is valid for these versions of OT". May want to revamp the plug-in mechanism in DITA-OT 2.0.
Meeting ended; next meeting will be at the start of Milestone 8 development.
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