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Meeting minutes 2014 10 07

robander edited this page Oct 7, 2014 · 3 revisions

Attendance: George, Robert, Eliot, Roger, Jarno, Radu, Tony, Graham

Item 1: 1.8 release status

1.8.5 is latest build package available. 1.8.6 branch has been created, has a few fixes (one doc, some code).

Eliot qestions about support for

and from DITA 1.3. Robert very wary - prefer to rely on plugins to add that support, rather than integrating tiny part of major 1.3 feature into release not designed for 1.3.

DITA-OT 2.0 status and updates

Since Jarno is the only developer adding much code, and it's more or less a hobby, this could just keep going along forever. But don't want to keep holding back. Jarno's idea: release 2.0 during DITA-OT day conference late next month. Robert likes this idea.

Reasons to hesitate:

  1. Documentation - need some sort of migration guide, especially for backwards incompatible things. Robert would like to help out. Roger also would like to help out with release notes (what is fixed, issue list, etc).
  2. How many 1.3 features will we be able to implement, since 1.3 is not released yet? Will still rely on draft version of spec. But, we do not want to wait on 1.3 final release. (Likely entering next internal TC review end of this week).
  3. We've told people that 2.0 may break things, will want to avoid that as much as possible for 2.X following releases. What else do we want to break that would improve code, while we have this window? Eliot's suggestion: way page sequences are done. Also, could redo chunk logic in XSLT - Eliot will likely be doing this anyway for epub work.

Eliot has lots of implementations of new 1.3 vocabulary, but not complete, so may not be ready to integrate.

Jarno also wondering: which DTD/Schema files do we ship? For this likely ship 1.3 but keep 1.2 as the default one used.

DITA-OT day in Munich

Agenda is now posted on website.

Robert asks about Jarno's deep dive talk: from registrations, lots of people seem to be end users / mgmt / sales. So deep dive may not help if 80% of audience doesn't want that. Jarno would like to go into detail, describe how/why things work, what are issues with implementation.

Currently have 55 people registered. Expect a few more last-minute. If we get 65 or 70, we will be at max capacity.

Graham asks about recordings: will there be any? Not sure of logistics. George will check into this.

Roger notes that for lightning talks - need to let people know what we like their ideas / plan to have them talk.

Doc updates and plans

See above for 2.0

Other topics

George and Radu looking at changes to plugin.xml to allow automatic integration of transform types. Having DITA-OT available, how do we understand what transform types are available. Perhaps having additional information about what parameters are available, how is the transform described? Jarno thinking about this as well. Want to have enough information that it is useful, but if you need to document all of your arguments, may end up with a lot of maintenance. George: maybe could say "I inherit from transform X" so that you pick up those arguments. Jarno is now thinking about this more.

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