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Meeting minutes 2012 11 20

robander edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 4 revisions

Attendance: Robert, George, Radu, Kris, Jarno, Eric, Martin,

Item 1: 1.7 Latest Milestone

Milestone officially finishes this week; planned release Monday.

Jarno added one feature so that RenderX and AH have approximately the same index output. Not exact match but close.

Jarno noticed discussion about abbreviated-form not implemented for PDF. May be simpler than for XHTML.

Kris points out - really need a more comprehensive check of DITA 1.2 features, to see what else is still missing from PDF.

Longer term - might be nice to have a table of supported items - features, elements, etc.

Kris suggests - would really like to turn on task labels for building our own docs. Robert to look at it.

Item 2: Plans for next milestone

Planned release date Dec 17; release candidate. No major updates during this milestone development: focus on fixes, code quality. Pause for 2 weeks - nothing but fixes - final release at end of month.

Problem with Xerces caching - Eric and Radu worked on it - may be able to get that submitted as patch. Xerces itself is in maintenance mode. Not sure if we want to issue a patched version? They seem unlikely to release new version. Oxygen already has several patches on top of Xerces - added to classpath in front of Xerces. Could ship XercesUpdate.jar or similar, and put it in front in the classpath.

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