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Meeting minutes 2021 03 04

Robert D Anderson edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 3 revisions

Attendance: Mike Temple, Radu Coravu, John Pashley, Rob Richter, Robert Anderson, Frank Wegmann, Zoe Lawson, Roger Sheen, Greg Wait, Jarno, Lief Erickson, Joe Williams, John Kirkilis

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

Any patches planned or other concerns about 3.6?

Project board for 3.6.1:

Should be ready to go, release notes have been reviewed. Roger can tag the docs this evening, likely will release 3.6.1 in the next few days.

Item 2: DITA-OT 3.Next Development status and updates

Project board for next release:

Lots of progress on chunking, Robert owes Jarno some test files. Just "combine" for now. Also need to figure out meaning of file.dita#topic when that is a nested topic.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Bunch of contributions to 3.6.1 from Jason Fox, around docker container / registry.

Item 4: DITA-OT Day

Maybe in 2022...? Jarno noted that -- according to wikipedia -- yesterday, March 3, was the birthday of DITA-OT. Cake or cupcakes for everyone who wants it; perhaps we should plan for hijinks around this date next year.

Item 5: Other topics

Update on DITA 2.0: not much progress in last month due to canceled meetings. Need to bring up the edge-case questions about chunking.

Question about LwDITA in the #testing channel in Slack; seems to have highlighted some differences between preprocess and preprocess2 when it comes to MDITA and HDITA files. Also (without having checked) wondering if some of the MDITA files have HTML content that is not properly resolving.

CI: we've moved some activity from Travis CI to GitHub Actions; not sure when Travis is going to fully pull the plug. We still have some Travis actions running related to build, dev docs, need to make sure those don't bite us when we're depending on them for something like a release.

Discussion of Saxon, and priorities of moving to XSLT 3. Would be nice but hard to consider urgent; same reason we're on XSLT 1 + 2 right now, it works so we don't spend time redoing it. Roger notes that if we make broad changes in code that people have customized with plugins, it might become harder for them to update because everything in the base has changed. If we do start reworking for XSLT 3, we should focus on preprocess first - probably more opportunities to improve the code, and also less likely to impact any overrides.

Item 6: Backlog discussion

Project boards: Project boards:

Time to go through pull requests, issues tracker, determine how to handle open issues.

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