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Meeting minutes 2012 05 08

Jarno Elovirta edited this page May 12, 2012 · 1 revision

Attendance: Robert, Jarno, Jason, Eliot

Item 1: 1.6 Milestone 4 status

To be uploaded on Wednesday. Had some trouble with testing the package late last week, appeared to be failing on Linux - but works for others.

Item 2: Jian Le Shen leaving the project

Jason leaving IBM as of May 18, moving closer to family. Thanks for all the work...

Item 3: Use of GitHub

Working on migration to GitHub for some DITA-OT functions. Schedule as follows:

  • (DONE) Early April: Copy DITA-OT source code to GitHub to test and validate usability
  • (DONE) End of April: transfer master source code to GitHub, SF becomes mirror updated with every iteration or final build
  • (DONE) End of April: copy all bug / RFE trackers from SourceForge to GitHub; update SF trackers to reference GitHub
  • Early May: Update project docs to demonstrate how to contribute (link to appropriate GitHub help pages)
  • (In progress) By end of May: Migrate SF wiki pages to GitHub wiki (will also migrate developer pages from
  • CONTINUE to use email lists from SourceForge (dita-ot-developer, etc)
  • CONTINUE to post iteration test builds and final stable builds at SourceForge distribution page
  • CONTINUE to update docs at SourceForge with each iteration build or final build
Note: already getting issues submitted at GitHub. SF had default severity values of 1 thru 10; GitHub does not have this, instead, Jarno has created tags (P1 = important, P2 = normal, P3 = lower). Tags for old releases have been added; still doing other cleanup, particularly around wiki.

Item 4: New contributions / interest

Developers from Oxygen have been frequent contributors to the bug / feature trackers; would like to invite them to meetings.

If contributions increase, will need to increase frequency of these calls. Potentially also change time - currently inconvenient for Eliot.

Item 5: Plans for Milestone 5

Jarno: remove deprecated functions that we've been warning about, now that the final build is nearing. Jarno will create a new code branch, commit after it is tested. Also hoping to create some new code (rather than working clean-up) prior to 1.6 release.

Discussion /reminder of policies of deprecated code. If something that users could call (function, variable, etc), put a warning in place, allow plenty of time for change, document in release notes. Jarno notes - could create a plug-in that re-enables support for removed items, to give even more time for migration, but we do not have time to maintain / test that approach over time.

Robert: for M5, work on cleanup of project management docs, test suite, XHTML flagging for inline elements.

Have discussed in past - IBM has some internal cases that are used as part of the RVT (integration test). Identified approximately 65 test cases not in the test suite at github. During M5 Robert plans to evaluate all cases, add useful ones to common test suite, and delete remainder. Result will be no remaining IBM-internal-only cases.

General: plan to start creating tasks to track some of this major work (such as the major updates to testing, GitHub transition, etc -- some of which are major time commitments).

Item 6: Eliot's new plug-ins and related contributions

Would be too much of a scramble to try and complete for 1.6; likely candidates for 1.7 at end of year. Eliot has been working on a new approach to HTML (called HTML2 for now), plus ePub. Waiting to get more users / testing in place to drive out hidden issues, have more time to document. Some other improvements needed, update localization approach (remove hard-coded English). Currently, roughly 0.9 level release.

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