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Meeting minutes 2015 05 07

Robert D Anderson edited this page May 7, 2015 · 7 revisions

Attendance: Robert, George, Eric, Guillaume, Roger, Shane, Kris

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

Any concerns about 1.x, 2.0? Eric wondering about a fix for the 1.8 release. Commenting on an issue item this week, should the fix go into 1.8 and 2.x or just into 2.x? Robert thinks - Eric should feel free to check in to 1.8, particularly if simple fix. Good to have it in there in case we do have another fixpack, but not sure if we will. Main line is - no new features into 1.x, only fixes.

Item 2: DITA-OT 2.1 status and updates

Robert busy on things that few will care about - refactor / clean up troff code. Long term goal, make the intermediate format reusable by other text-like outputs. See issue for details and discussion.

Jarno's main work items lately - ODT and non-file URI support. Not sure if these will be considered complete for 2.1 but guessing no (Jarno not able to make today's call).

Planning for release of DITA-OT 2.1 in about a month - probably after the June contributor call.

Item 3: Doc updates and plans

Roger wrapping up another project soon and should return to doc updates, should see more frequent activity. Kris just notified about one issue.

From last call - Kris had given Roger some in progress topics - still want to review / integrate.

If 2.1 coming in June, Roger will want to set aside time to finish up the docs.

Release notes: at least, put an issue number in the release notes, Roger can fill out later. Or, go ahead and put the info in. Docs are in submodule "docsrc". The repository in github is just "docs".

Item 4: DITA-OT Day 2015

Munich bound, George (SyncRO Soft) is throwing us a conference again. Planning for Sunday November 15 before DITA Europe, at same hotel as DITA Europe (not the same hotel as last year - moved to Hilton, close to last year's location). Working with hotel now. Expect it to be finalized next week for basic infrastructure (room, meals / coffee, etc). Then can start promoting, issue call for proposals.

Will need to come up with topics, George suggests, roadmap for DITA 1.3 features - how do the vendors support 1.3 in authoring when it's not yet in publishing? Vendors curious about plans for that.

Item 5: Other items

Will be shifting over to 2.0 for building the DITA 1.3 specification (have been using 1.8.5 for a while) - will see how the OASIS style plugins work with 2.0.

OASIS updates? DITA 1.3 spec nearing the end. Lots of discussion of the processes we're using, micro-reviews, etc. This week's focus is on keys - key section getting heavily edited. For a nice rendering of spec-in-progress, see this page, which has draft content from 1.3 (not real time, so missing this week's keys edits, but otherwise close to the latest):

DTD / Schemas for 1.3 - going into DITA-OT 2.1? Not sure of Jarno's comfort. The doctypes were updated again last week but are far more stable now than around the time we released 2.0. Still should not be the default doctypes but could be shipped as a plug-in.

Next meeting: June 4, same time.

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