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Meeting minutes 2011 06 28

Jarno Elovirta edited this page May 12, 2012 · 1 revision

Attendance: Robert Anderson, Jian Le Shen, Jarno Elovirta, Eric Sirois

Item #1: Milestone 8 / DITA-OT 1.5.3 release

Release complete - docs to be uploaded today, also creating a 1.5.2-specific directory.

Documentation updates really came in at the last minute. For 1.5.4 - would like to reorganize a bit - "quick start" guide, followed by remaining documentation. Possibly followed by in-depth developer docs. Existing developer docs is mostly out of date, such as UML diagrams - should at least clean up or remove the old stuff. There is also some "planning" doc - describes how OT *might* work. Not useful for shipped docs. Robert will take an action to clean some of that up.

Item #2: Starting 1.5.4 release: new branch in Git created.

Plans for M1?

Jarno: have started some work for customers, such as copying zip or other files to output. Also changed some XHTML stylesheets a bit / shell files in order to support HTML 5. Old stylesheets provided both system and public IDs; for HTML 5, do not specify public. Changes are backwards compatible, but this allows users to avoid doctype.

Would also like to clean up legacy code for Netscape 4, such as using for anchors. Can refactor so it is only used by HTML 4 transform (Java Help, HTML Help). Related: if you generate HTML today for HTML Help, you get xml:lang, which isn't valid HTML. Can update so that only XHTML gets this. HTML 5 has other metadata items that will need to be fixed, not touching for now.

Already committed a strict mode for integration process - allows integrator code to fail as soon as an error is encountered. Default mode "lax" continues as today. Started work on documentation for this. Would like to add this same configuration to full OT process - when run in server, want it to fail as soon as a proper fatal error is encountered.

Pending bug for PDF2 about trademark / copyright -- only output for first occurrence of that trademark. Haven't checked style manuals yet. HTML supports it - would be good to add to PDF. HTML doesn't have a way to switch this off. Need a switch in PDF, or go with only-first? May want to ask on user lists. If we do a switch, may want to use "only first" as default.

Robert: clean-up on developer docs, some minor fixes.

Jason: work on bug tracker.

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