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Using the Search Scans Panel

robbyxp1 edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 40 revisions

This sub panel of the search panel allows you to perform searches for interesting objects in your scans. Open the search panel from the selector and select the globe icon to get to this sub panel.

The icon bar allows you to set up a search. From the left:

The drop down selector next to find icon gives you a set of built in and user defined set of searches to perform. Selecting a search updates the search condition area with the search expressions.

You can create or alter an existing search by editing the conditions or values in the search condition area. You can build up complicated set of conditions which are And or Or together to produce the search you want.

The sort box and sort direction button allows you to define a custom sort based on parameters of the scan results, if required. The drop down shows some predefined sorts you can use. If you define a custom sort, the grid results are sorted using this expression. Click on the sort direction button to resort in either ascending or decending order.

The find button executes the search in the search condition area and fills in the grid with results.

You can save the current search condition and name it using the save button. It then will appear as a selectable search in the drop down selector, and be usable in the Surveyor and Discoveries.

If you have a user defined expression selected, you can delete it with the delete button.

The excel button outputs the contents of the current grid results.

The final search details help button will allow you to debug the search. Click once to enable debugging, then click find. Then click again to see the report on the search. It will list errors and results in text. It will show up variables not found, which may be due to a mistype of the name in the search condition, or it is probably due to the journal event not having the variable. Skill is needed to decode this.


The grid results support right clicking on a row, giving you the options to see the system on EDSM, go to it on the 3dMap, or view data on entry as a scan display.

Search Expressions

Conditions consists of a set of conditional expressions And or Or together, then groups of expressions which are And then ORed together.

You build the expression by adding new items using the + button, either the + at the end of a group to add a new entry to the group, or the + at the bottom to add a new group.

Each group has a selector to determine if the conditions inside the group are Ored or Anded.

Each group set has a selector to determine if the group is Ored or Anded with the above group.

Using the drop down button on the left expression gives you a list of properties you can use to search scans. These are mostly from the scan event, some are extra additions by the search system.

The method is to pick your parameter from the drop down list in the condition. You then choose the operation to perform (Equals, Less, greater than etc, and if its a string/numeric comparison) and then enter the value your comparing again. The tooltip can give you hints on the unit values of the parameter.


You can use C style expressions (==, &&, || >> << etc) on either side of the equation, such as nRadius*5, or (nRadius+10)*5.

Operator precedence

Operators in highest priority order are:

  • Unary Integer/Double/"String"/'c' (char)/(bracketed expression)/variable/function(parameters..)/array[expr index]
  • ! ~ Logical Not/Binary Not
  • Times * Divide /
  • Add + Subtract -
  • << >> binary shift left/right
  • < > <= >= Greater/Less
  • != == Not Equals/Equals
  • & binary AND
  • ^ binary EOR
  • | binary Or
  • && (and)
  • || (or)

Floating point numbers, integers (to 64 bit precision), "string" and 'char' are supported. 'char' is converted to its integer equivalent.

Built In Functions

Expressions support the following inbuilt functions where d = integer/double, i = integer, s = "string":

  • Abs(d), Acos(d), Asin(d), Atan(d), Ceiling(d), Cos(d), Cosh(d) ,Exp(d),Floor(d), Log(d), Log10(d) , Sin(d), Sinh(d), Sqrt(d), Tan(d) , Tanh(d) , Truncate(d): see c# Math class

  • IsControl(i), IsDigit(i), IsLetter(i), IsLower(i), IsNumber(i), IsPunctuation(i), IsSeparator(i), IsSurrogate(i), IsSymbol(i), IsUpper(i), IsWhiteSpace(i): see c# Char class. A numeric character code

  • ToLower(s/i), ToUpper(s/i) : Converted with invariant culture. Either a string or an integer character code.

  • Max(i/d,i/d), Min(i/d,i/d), Pow(d,d), Sign(d) : More maths

  • Round(d [,i] ): see c# Round, second digit is precision to round to.

  • Fp(i/d), double(i/d), float(i/d) : convert to floating point

  • Eval(s) : evaluate string s and return the result.

  • ToString(s,format-s): Convert number to string, using c# format-s (such as N1. #.##)

  • Unicode(i) : Convert unicode character given by i to string

  • Contains(s,p-s [,culture-s]) : Does string s contain p-s. Standard comparision is InvariantCultureIgnoreCase. Use "InvariantCulture" for case sensisitve. CurrentCulture (default is culture string is not recognised) and CurrentCultureIgnoreCase is also supported

  • Compare(d/s,d/s): compare number or string. Return -1 first is less than second, 0 equal, 1 first is greater than second

  • Substring(s,start-i,length-i): return part of string, starting at zero based start, for length characters. if start < 0 or >= length returns empty string. Length may be bigger than string length and will return rest.

  • IndexOf(s,p-s [,index-i [,culture-s]) : Find zero based index of p-s in s, given a optional start index and optional culture. if index < or >= length, or string not found, it returns -1.

For the searchs we support functions which search across bodies in the system

  • BodiesPropertyCount(propertyname) Search across all bodies in the system for this boolean property name taken from the Scan (see below, and example is IsLandable) to be true and return the number of bodies which has this true.

  • StarBodiesPropertyCount(propertyname) As above but just for bodies under the same star as this body

  • BodiesExprCount(expr) Search all bodies and count which ones this expression is true for. For example BodiesExprCount(nMassEM>=0.8 && nMassEM<=1.2 && IsPlanet) counds all bodies which has this mass range and is a planet

  • StarBodiesExprCount(expr) As above but just for bodies under the same star as this body

Journal event Properties

Using the variables listed in the drop down button will refer to the current journal event being searched.

These work with journal scans only.

  • You can refer to the properties of its parent body by: Parent.attribute, such as Parent.IsStar, Parent.IsLandable

  • You can refer to the properties of a grandfather body by: Parent.Parent.attribute, such as Parent.Parent.IsStar, Parent.Parent.IsPlanet

  • You can refer to the properties of a sibling object by: Sibling[number,1..].attribute, such as Sibling[1].IsTerraformable.

  • You can refer to the properties of a child object by: Child[number,1..].attribute, such as Child[1].IsTerraformable

  • You can find out how many children a scan has by Child.Count, or siblings by Sibling.Count

  • You can refer to the properties of its first star above a body with Star.attribute

  • You can refer to the properties of its second star above a body with Star.Star.attribute

  • You can find properties of other bodies in the system using Bodies[number,1..].attribute, such as Bodies[1].IsTerraformable.

  • You can find properties of other bodies under the same star as the body you are checking using StarBodies[number,1..].attribute, such as StarBodies[1].IsLandable.

  • You can find the level of the body in the system using Level (0 = star, 1 = planet, 2 = moon, 3 = sub moon), Parent.Level and Parent.Parent.Level

  • For a body orbiting a barycentre, you can check its doing that using IsOrbitingBarycentre. You can obtain the parameters of the Barycentre using Parents[1].Barycentre.* variables. You can see other barycentres in their respective positions in the parents array which list the bodyids and types for each body above the scanned body, with the Parents[1].Type being "Star" "Planet", "PlanetaryRing", "StellarRing", "Station" or "null" (barycentre)

You can use automatic iteration variables Iter1, Iter2, Iter3 etc to iterate through arrays. Use such as Child[Iter1].IsTerraformable causes the expression to iterate through all children.

if Iter2,3,4 etc are used, it iterates the highest number Iter first, then proceeds down to Iter1 as outer loops.


Expressions in sort are limited to just the current scan results and Child.Count. It uses left. and right. member qualifiers to distinguish between the two items your comparing with.

The expression is normally Compare(left.variable,right.variable). Pick on of the Scan variables below to sort on.


The list of properties are:

Name Value Journal Type
AmmoniaWorld Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it an ammonia world Scan
Atmosphere String value: Atmosphere string, can be none Scan
AtmosphereID Enumeration: Unknown, No_atmosphere, Earth_Like, Ammonia, Water, Carbon_dioxide, Methane, Helium, Argon, Neon, Sulphur_dioxide, Nitrogen, Silicate_vapour, Metallic_vapour, Oxygen, , EDD ID Scan
AtmosphereProperty Enumeration: None, Rich, Thick, Thin, Hot, EDD atmospheric property Scan
Body Integer value: Internal Frontier ID ScanOrganic
BodyDesignation String value: EDD name for well known bodies Scan
BodyDesignationOrName String value: EDD name or journal name Scan
BodyID Integer value: Internal Frontier ID, is empty for older scans Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
BodyName String value: Frontier body name Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CanBeTerraformable Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Can it be teraformed Scan
Category String value: FDName Category CodexEntry
Category_Localised String value: Localised category CodexEntry
Child.Count Integer value: Number of child moons Scan
ContainsBioSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain bio signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
ContainsGeoSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain geo signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
ContainsGuardianSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain guardian signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
ContainsHumanSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain human signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
ContainsOrganicsScans Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Any organic scans Scan
ContainsOtherSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain other signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
ContainsThargoidSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain thargoid signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
ContainsUncategorisedSignals Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it contain uncategorised signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountBioSignals Integer value: Count of bio signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountCarrierSignals Integer value: Count of carrier signals FSSSignalDiscovered
CountConflictZoneSignals Integer value: Count of conflict zone signals FSSSignalDiscovered
CountGeoSignals Integer value: Count of geo signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountGuardianSignals Integer value: Count of guardian signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountHumanSignals Integer value: Count of human signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountInstallationSignals Integer value: Count of installation signals FSSSignalDiscovered
CountNotableStellarPhenomenaSignals Integer value: Count of NSP signals FSSSignalDiscovered
CountOrganicsScans Integer value: Count of all scans Scan
CountOrganicsScansAnalysed Integer value: Count of fully analysed scans Scan
CountOtherSignals Integer value: Count of other signals Scan, FSSSignalDiscovered, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountResourceExtractionZoneSignals Integer value: Count of extraction zone signals FSSSignalDiscovered
CountStationSignals Integer value: Count of station signals FSSSignalDiscovered
CountThargoidSignals Integer value: Count of thargoid signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountUncategorisedSignals Integer value: Count of uncategorised signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
CountUSSSignals Integer value: Count of USS signals FSSSignalDiscovered
DistanceAccountingForBarycentre Floating point value: Estimated distance allowing for a barycentre, m Scan
DistanceFromArrivalLS Floating point value: In light seconds Scan
DistanceFromArrivalm Floating point value: In meters Scan
DistanceFromArrivalText String value: Astronomic Unit (AU) and Ls Scan
Earthlike Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it an earth like world Scan
EDDBodyId Integer value: EDD assigned body ID CodexEntry
EDDBodyName String value: EDD assigned body name CodexEntry
EDSMDiscoveryCommander String value: EDSM first commander Scan
EDSMDiscoveryUTC Date time value, US format: EDSM first reported time UTC Scan
EfficientMapped Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Have we efficiently mapped it Scan
EntryID Integer value: Frontier entry ID CodexEntry
EstimatedValue Integer value: cr Scan, ScanOrganic
EventFilterName String value: Scan Auto, Scan Basic, Scan Nav, Scan Scan
EventTimeLocal Date time value, US format: Local All
EventTimeUTC Date time value, US format: UTC All
EventType String value: Event type (Scan etc) All
GasGiant Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a gas giant with water based or ammonia based life Scan
GasWorld Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a gas giant (no water giant) Scan
Genus String value: Frontier Genus ID ScanOrganic
Genus_Localised String value: Genus in localised text ScanOrganic
Genuses[].Genus String value: Frontier Genus ID Scan, SAASignalsFound
Genuses[].Genus_Localised String value: Genus in localised text Scan, SAASignalsFound
HasAtmosphere Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it have atmosphere Scan
HasAtmosphericComposition Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does body have atmosphere composition list Scan
HasBelts Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does the body have belts Scan
HasMaterials Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it have materials list Scan
HasMeaningfulVolcanism Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has volcanism, excluding unknowns Scan
HasPlanetaryComposition Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does it have planetary composition stats Scan
HasRings Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does the body have rings Scan
HasRingsOrBelts Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Does the body have rings or belts Scan
HeliumGasGiant Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it an helium gas world Scan
IsBeltCluster Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a belt or cluster Scan
IsEDSMBody Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Body loaded from ESDM Scan
IsLandable Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it def landable Scan
IsNewEntry Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a new entry CodexEntry
IsNotPreviouslyDiscovered Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has the body not been previously discovered Scan
IsNotPreviouslyMapped Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has the body not been previously mapped Scan
IsOrbitingBarycentre Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Orbiting a barycentre Scan
IsOrbitingPlanet Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Orbiting a planet Scan
IsOrbitingStar Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Orbiting a star Scan
IsPlanet Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a planet Scan
IsPreviouslyDiscovered Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has the body been previously discovered Scan
IsPreviouslyMapped Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has the body been previously mapped Scan
IsStar Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a star Scan
JumponiumCount Integer value: Number of jumponium materials available Scan
Latitude Floating point value: Lattitude if on planet if given CodexEntry
Level Integer value: Level of body in system, 0 star, 1 planet, 2 moon, 3 submoon Scan
Longitude Floating point value: Longitude if on planet if given CodexEntry
Luminosity String value: Yerkes Spectral Classification, may not be present Scan
Mapped Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Have we mapped it Scan
MaterialList String value: List of materials, comma separated Scan
MaximumEstimatedValue Integer value: cr Scan
nAbsoluteMagnitude Floating point value: Absolute magnitude, in Sol fractions Scan
nAge Floating point value: Million Years Scan
Name String value: Frontier Name CodexEntry
Name_Localised String value: Localised name CodexEntry
nAscendingNode Floating point value: Degrees Scan
nAxialTilt Floating point value: Tilt, radians Scan
nAxialTiltDeg Floating point value: Tilt, degrees Scan
NearestDestination String value: Nearest destination on planet if given CodexEntry
NearestDestination_Localised String value: Nearest destination localised CodexEntry
nEccentricity Floating point value: Eccentricity of orbit Scan
NewTraitsDiscovered Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is traits discovered CodexEntry
nLandable Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it landable (may be null if not valid for body) Scan
nMassEM Floating point value: Earths Scan
nMassKG Floating point value: Mass of star or planet in KG Scan
nMassMM Floating point value: Moons Scan
nMeanAnomaly Floating point value: Degrees Scan
nOrbitalInclination Floating point value: Degrees Scan
nOrbitalPeriod Floating point value: Seconds Scan
nOrbitalPeriodDays Floating point value: Days Scan
nPeriapsis Floating point value: Degrees Scan
nRadius Floating point value: Meters Scan
nRadiusEarths Floating point value: Radius in units of Earth Scan
nRadiusSols Floating point value: Radius in units of Sol Scan
nRotationPeriod Floating point value: Seconds, may be negative indicating reverse rotation Scan
nRotationPeriodDays Floating point value: Days, may be negative indicating reverse rotation Scan
nSemiMajorAxis Floating point value: Meters Scan
nSemiMajorAxisAU Floating point value: AU Scan
nSemiMajorAxisLS Floating point value: Light seconds Scan
nStellarMass Floating point value: Ratio of Sol Scan
nSurfaceGravity Floating point value: m/s Scan
nSurfaceGravityG Floating point value: Fractions of earth gravity Scan
nSurfacePressure Floating point value: Pascals Scan
nSurfacePressureEarth Floating point value: Fractions of earth atmosphere Scan
nSurfaceTemperature Floating point value: K Scan
nTidalLock Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is in tidal lock Scan
oneAtmosphere_Pa Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneAU_LS Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneAU_m Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneDay_s Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneEarth_KG Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneEarthMoonMassRatio Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneEarthRadius_m Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneGee_m_s2 Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneLS_m Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneMoon_KG Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneSol_KG Floating point value: Constant Constant
oneSolRadius_m Floating point value: Constant Constant
Organics.Count Integer value: Count of items. Use [1..N].itemname for Organics information Scan
Organics[].Body Integer value: Internal Frontier ID Scan
Organics[].EstimatedValue Integer value: cr Scan
Organics[].Genus String value: Frontier Genus ID Scan
Organics[].Genus_Localised String value: Genus in localised text Scan
Organics[].ScanType Enumeration: Log, Sample, Analyse, Log type Scan
Organics[].Species String value: Frontier Species ID Scan
Organics[].Species_Localised String value: Species in localised text Scan
Organics[].SystemAddress Integer value: Frontier internal system address Scan
OrganicsFullyAnalysed Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Are all organics on this body analysed Scan
Parents.Count Integer value: Count of items. Use [1..N].itemname for Parent body information. First is nearest body Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.AscendingNode Floating point value: Degrees Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.BodyID Integer value: Frontier body ID Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.Eccentricity Floating point value: Eccentricity of orbit Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.MeanAnomaly Floating point value: Degrees Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.OrbitalInclination Floating point value: Degrees Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.OrbitalPeriod Floating point value: Seconds Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.OrbitalPeriodDays Floating point value: Days Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.Periapsis Floating point value: Degrees Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.SemiMajorAxis Floating point value: SMA in m Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.SemiMajorAxisAU Floating point value: SMA in AU Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.SemiMajorAxisLS Floating point value: SMA in LS Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.SemiMajorAxisLSKM String value: SMA in LS if > 0.1 LS, or km Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.StarSystem String value: Barycentre system Scan
Parents[].Barycentre.SystemAddress Integer value: Frontier system address Scan
Parents[].BodyID Integer value: Frontier body ID Scan
Parents[].IsBarycentre Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is node a barycentre Scan
Parents[].IsPlanet Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is node a planet Scan
Parents[].IsStar Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is node a star Scan
Parents[].Type String value: Type of node, Null = barycentre, Planet, Star Scan
PlanetClass String value: Long text name from journal Scan
PlanetTypeID Enumeration: Unknown_Body_Type, Metal_rich_body, High_metal_content_body, Rocky_body, Icy_body, Rocky_ice_body, Earthlike_body, Water_world, Ammonia_world, Water_giant, Water_giant_with_life, Gas_giant_with_water_based_life, Gas_giant_with_ammonia_based_life, Sudarsky_class_I_gas_giant, Sudarsky_class_II_gas_giant, Sudarsky_class_III_gas_giant, Sudarsky_class_IV_gas_giant, Sudarsky_class_V_gas_giant, Helium_rich_gas_giant, Helium_gas_giant Scan
PlanetTypeText String value: Localised Name Scan
Region String value: FDName Region of galaxy CodexEntry
Region_Localised String value: Localised name of region CodexEntry
ReserveLevel Enumeration: None, Depleted, Low, Common, Major, Pristine, What is the reserve level of the ring Scan
Rings.Count Integer value: Count of items. Use [1..N].itemname for Ring information Scan
Rings[].InnerRad Floating point value: Inner radius m Scan
Rings[].MassMT Floating point value: Mass in mega tons (1e6)t Scan
Rings[].Name String value: Name Scan
Rings[].OuterRad Floating point value: Outer radius m Scan
Rings[].RingClass String value: Ring class Scan
Rings[].RingClassID Enumeration: Unknown, Rocky, Metalic, Icy, MetalRich, Ring class as enumeration Scan
RingsInnerm Floating point value: Distance of inner ring from planet, Meters, null if no rings Scan
RingsOuterm Floating point value: Distance of final outer ring from planet, Meters, null if no rings Scan
ScanType String value: Scan type, Basic, Detailed, NavBeacon, NavBeaconDetail, AutoScan, may be empty for very old scans Scan, ScanOrganic
SemiMajorAxisLSKM String value: LS is greater than .1 ls, else KM Scan
Sibling.Count Integer value: Number of siblings Scan
Signals.Count Integer value: Count of items. Use [1..N].itemname for Signal information Scan, FSSSignalDiscovered, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].ClassOfSignal Enumeration: Station, Installation, NotableStellarPhenomena, ConflictZone, ResourceExtraction, Carrier, USS, Other, Signal class FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].Count Integer value: Count of signals Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].ExpiryLocal Date time value, US format: Optional signal expiry time, Local FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].ExpiryUTC Date time value, US format: Optional signal expiry time, UTC FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].IsBio Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is bio signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].IsGeo Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is geo signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].IsGuardian Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is guardian signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].IsHuman Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is human signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].IsOther Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is other signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].IsStation Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a station FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].IsThargoid Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is thargoid signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].IsUncategorised Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is uncategorised signal Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].RecordedUTC Date time value, US format: When signal was recorded FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SignalName String value: Signal type string, FDName FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SignalName_Localised String value: Signal type localised FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SpawningFaction String value: Signal faction, FDName FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SpawningFaction_Localised String value: Signal faction, Localised FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SpawningState String value: Spawing state FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SpawningState_Localised String value: Signal state localised FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].SystemAddress Integer value: Optional Frontier system address FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].ThreatLevel Integer value: Threat level FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].TimeRemaining Floating point value: Optional time remaining seconds FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].Type String value: Signal type string, FDName Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].Type_Localised String value: Signal type string, localised Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals
Signals[].USSType String value: Optional USS Type, FDName FSSSignalDiscovered
Signals[].USSTypeLocalised String value: Optional USS Type, Localised FSSSignalDiscovered
Species String value: Frontier Species ID ScanOrganic
Species_Localised String value: Species in localised text ScanOrganic
StarClassification String value: StarType (long) Subclass Luminosity (K3Vab) Scan
StarClassificationAbv String value: StarType (Abreviated) Subclass Luminosity (K3Vab) Scan
StarSubclass Integer value: Star subclass number, may not be present Scan
StarSystem String value: Name of star Scan
StarType String value: Short Name (K,O etc) Scan
StarTypeID Enumeration: Unknown, O, B, A, F, G, K, M, L, T, Y, AeBe, TTS, W, WN, WNC, WC, WO, CS, C, CN, CJ, CHd, MS, S, D, DA, DAB, DAO, DAZ, DAV, DB, DBZ, DBV, DO, DOV, DQ, DC, DCV, DX, N, H, X, A_BlueWhiteSuperGiant, F_WhiteSuperGiant, M_RedSuperGiant, M_RedGiant, K_OrangeGiant, RoguePlanet, Nebula, StellarRemnantNebula, SuperMassiveBlackHole, B_BlueWhiteSuperGiant, G_WhiteSuperGiant, OBAFGAKM,LTY,AeBe,N Neutron,H Black Hole,Proto (TTS,AeBe), Wolf (W,WN,WNC,WC,WO), Carbon (CS,C,CN,CJ,CHD), White Dwarfs (D,DA,DAB,DAO,DAZ,DAV,DB,DBZ,DBV,DO,DOV,DQ,DC,DCV,DX), others Scan
StarTypeText String value: Long Name (Orange Main Sequence..) localised Scan
SubCategory String value: FDName Sub Category CodexEntry
SubCategory_Localised String value: Sub Category localised CodexEntry
SudarskyGasGiant Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a sudarsky gas giant world Scan
SyncedEDSM Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Synced to EDSM All
System String value: System name CodexEntry
SystemAddress Integer value: Internal Frontier ID, is empty for older scans Scan, SAASignalsFound, FSSBodySignals, CodexEntry, ScanOrganic
Terraformable Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it terraformable or been terraformed Scan
TerraformState String value: Empty, Terraformable, Terraformed, Terraforming Scan
Traits.Count Integer value: Count of items. Use [1..N].itemname for Traits array CodexEntry
Volcanism String value: Journal volcanism string Scan
VolcanismID Enumeration: Unknown, None, Water_Magma, Sulphur_Dioxide_Magma, Ammonia_Magma, Methane_Magma, Nitrogen_Magma, Silicate_Magma, Metallic_Magma, Water_Geysers, Carbon_Dioxide_Geysers, Ammonia_Geysers, Methane_Geysers, Nitrogen_Geysers, Helium_Geysers, Silicate_Vapour_Geysers, Rocky_Magma, , EDD Volcanism ID Scan
VolcanismProperty Enumeration: None, Minor, Major, EDD Volcanism type Scan
VoucherAmount Integer value: Worth, cr CodexEntry
WasDiscovered Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has the body been previously discovered - older scans do not have this field Scan
WasMapped Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Has the body been previously mapped - older scans do not have this field Scan
WaterGiant Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a water giant world Scan
WaterWorld Boolean value: 1 = true, 0 = false: Is it a water world Scan
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