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Using the Organic Scans

robbyxp1 edited this page Dec 23, 2023 · 8 revisions

The Organic Scans panel shows the list of Odyssey Organic scans you have performed in the past, and if you're currently landed and doing scans, the current status.

The panel is opened by using the panel selector (+) in either a tab or as a standalone panel.

Current Scans

At the top of the panel this section shows information about the current planet and a list of scans being performed on that planet. If you're in supercruise (or far away from any planet) this section will be hidden.

The list of scans is populated by using your genetic sampler (scanning biological entities with your ship or SRV currently doesn't add entries to this list).

Historic Scans

The grid shows a list of completed scans, in time order unless resorted. It will show the estimated value of all the scans listed, but does not account the "first scanner" bonus.

You can restrict the list by date. You can also list the scans which were uncompleted by clicking on the display incomplete scans button.

Transparent Mode

In transparent mode, the historic scans grid is hidden and only the current scan state is shown. Position this over the top of a borderless or windowed Elite game to have the current organic scan state displayed on your HUD.

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