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Rob edited this page Oct 21, 2022 · 9 revisions

Use a SDD to host EDD

  • For optimal performance with the system DB, containing many millions of coordinates, you should use an SDD to store it. If your C: is an SDD and you use the standard installer, you're good. Or use the portable version and copy it to the SDD drive.

If you're putting the program on a Hard Disk Drive (not an SDD), select a smaller area of the galaxy to load, say just the bubble to start with. Although we do not recommend trying to run it on a HDD.

Moving EDD to a new computer

  • Install and run EDD on the new computer, don't select any stars to load
  • Once it's settled, quit EDD.
  • Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\EDDISCOVERY on your original computer in Windows explorer
  • Copy the EDDSystems.sqlite and EDDUser.sqlite files to your new computer in the same location - overwrite the ones there.
  • If you're not running Elite on the same computer as EDD, you'll need to go to the settings panel, edit your commander, and point the journal path (normally empty) to the share (on your Elite computer) which has the Elite journal files in it.

SQLite problems

  • When it shows an error with SQLite in the text, it's most likely caused by a fault in the databases held by EDD in your appdata folder. This can sometime occur if EDD was not shut down properly, or the computer crashed, etc
  • Sometimes it's due to the user DB. But generally its a system DB problem. They are both stored in your %LOCALAPPDATA%\EDDiscovery folder for a default install. You can delete the system DB by holding down shift during launch and using the safe mode menu. Deleting the system DB triggers a re-download from EDSM and you don't lose any personal data
  • You can, if you have all the journals still available, and you don't care about entries recorded before ED 2.2, and you don't mind losing you notes/settings, delete the user DB as well in extremis.

Can't see the main window

  • Hold down the Shift key when starting EDDiscovery and a safe mode dialog will appear. Choose the option to reset positions, then click run. The EDD windows will go to their default positions. Command line option -norepositionwindow does the same.

You've set the theme colours so you can't see the text!

  • Hold down the Shift key when starting EDDiscovery and a safe mode dialog will appear. Choose the option to not load the theme, then click run. The EDD windows will load their default windows theme. Command line option -notheme does the same.

Can't see a pop out...

  • See Menu Options for options under Tools to reset your panel visibility.

Command Line Options

Geo/Bio Signals

  • Can EDDiscovery show details of geological/biological signals reported by the FSS? If you're using Horizons 4.0 or Odyssey: Yes, Frontier updated their code and so did we. If you're using any Elite version below 4.0: No, Frontier didn't backport the required changes to the old game versions.

Voice Recognition Not working?

See Free Voice Control for tips on how to configure Windows to make it work with voice recognition.

Using Windows 7?

All third-party site uploads won't work due to not accepting windows 7 SSL keys. Update to windows 10.

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