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How EDDiscovery Works

Rob edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 11 revisions

Interaction with Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous creates journal files, with journal entries, in a folder as it runs. It places those files in c:\users\ username \Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous.

EDDiscovery reads those files, and uses that as its information source.

If you have got a non standard setup, or are using EDD on another computer to the Elite computer, you will need to use the settings panel for the ability to read journal files from places other than this default folder.

Journal Entries

There are 100s of types of entry, containing data about your ED game. Most of the data the user needs is in these entries.

Commander Creation

When EDDiscovery reads the journal files, if it sees a new commander listed in the journals, it will search the commander table in settings for an existing commander. If does not find a commander of the name given in the journal, it will create a new entry in this table for the commander.

If your using EDDiscovery for the first time, then the first new commander found becomes your commander and is selected on the History Tab Cmdr entry.

If you already have a commander, the current commander chosen is not changed.

Make sure you have the right commander chosen. The first selector on the toolbar shows you the current commander.

The journal entries in the file are then associated with a commander. You won't see them unless you've selected that commander. Use the settings panel to see which commanders you have. Use the toolbar commander selection at the top to change the commander.

Reading old pre 2.2 log files.

If you had verbose logging on and have old netlogs, you can still read them in. See menu options. If you did not have verbose logging on (and you will remember if you did!) then your out of luck. The previous netlogs had only jump information in them.

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