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Sprint Planning Meeting 2019 04 17

Erik Moeller edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 2 revisions

Sprint Planning Meeting, SecureDrop, April 17, 2019

Sprint timeframe: Beginning of Day (PDT) 2019-04-17 Beginning of Day (PDT) 2019-05-01

0) Mini-retrospective

Board review:

What we said we would do:

Complete key deliverables for point release: e1000e kernel, disabling source interface on Trusty instances, reverting NoScript instructions

Sprint goal exceeded: Point release will also include fixes for backup issue, graphical updater, OSSEC fix, dependency updates.

Consensus on architecture and behavior for queue, so we can start implementing it next sprint

Sprint goal met: captures current implementation proposal

Finalize TBB merge

Sprint goal not met: VNC changes have landed, main PR completed at the end of the sprint, but not merged yet

Free-form comments:

  • We do need to make some smaller scoped tickets 1. in general e.g. in the client repo and 2. in preparataion for pycon (e.g. a good ticket to file for contributors at pycon sprints is "Update thing X causing deprecation warning Y"

  • Create a list of items/project maintainers SecureDrop team wants to talk to during PyCon

  • Molecule is PAIN (kushal) -^ seconded4

    • Action item: file issues for common pain points so we can document them and their workarounds? YES PLEASE
  • Lots of ad-hoc dependency management, but our visibility into what needs to be patched is better than ever

  • Lack of familiarity with core Qubes tooling rearing its head again, will improve over time

  • In Qubes template generation, a few git repos are being pulled in ad hoc - e.g. Qubes builder repo - we're not pinning a hash, we probably should

  • Nina and Allie def need to communicate more (we both love our caves), but we both got a great start, yesterday co-creating documentation (thank you Allie for starting that!) :D

  • Hands off during logging off helped picking up reviews on time (kushal)

  • (allie) Just a shout-out: We started a new review process to get feedback about how closely the client matches Zeplin, which we now call the Spec, that I think is useful for getting feedback outside of PRs

  • (allie) I think we should have a team-wide client test once in a while (monthyly?) because we found some good bugs when mickael and heartsucker reviewed the top pane PR

  • (allie) Where are we on getting the client running on qubes? (Sorry if I just missed this)

1) Review important dates and time commitments
2019-04-17              : PTO: Jen (1/2 day)
2019-04-18              : Nina WILL go Snowboarding, after 9am call
2019-04-19              : Kushal will start travelling (To SF)
2019-04-22 to 2019-04-26: Kushal working from San Francisco (PDT)
2019-04-18 to 2019-04-22: Jen working remotely (Hawaii, but planning to work PDT)
2019-04-22 to 2019-04-26: Conor working remotely (Seattle, PDT)
2019-04-19              : Holiday: Kevin, Mickael
2019-04-22              : Holiday/PTO: Kevin, Mickael
2019-04-23              : SecureDrop 0.12.2 Release
2019-04-23 to 2019-04-24: Kevin at on-site (DC)
2019-04-24 to 2019-04-25: Tentative remote support window (John)
2019-04-24              : Odd hours, might need 1/2 PTO, driving from Portland to Vancouver (Allie)
2019-04-26              : PTO: Jen (1/2 day)
2019-04-30 to 2019-05-10: PyCon travel & conference (Kushal, Jen, Allie, John, Mickael)
2019-04-30 to 2019-05-02: Heartsucker may take some time off, but will aim to accommodate consistent ~20 hour/week availability

Time check:

2) Agree on must-achieve sprint goals
  • Ship a successful SecureDrop 0.12.2 with all milestoned fixes and improvements
  • Assist the last batch of news organizations with a successful Xenial upgrade
  • Implement first iteration of queue for all server actions in the SecureDrop Workstation client
3) Task estimation

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