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How to add new ossec rules?

Kushal Das edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

There are two main files involved in this.

  • install_files/securedrop-ossec-server/var/ossec/rules/local_rules.xml the rules file
  • install_files/securedrop-ossec-server/var/ossec/etc/local_decoder.xml the decoder file

The decoder file

+  The default fwupd tries to auto-update and generates error.
+<decoder name="fwupd">
+  <program_name>fwupd</program_name>

In the above example, we are creating a new decoder based on the program_name value. We can find this program_name value using the /var/ossec/bin/ossec-logtest command, you can paste the login as input to this, and it will give you some parsed output.

**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
       full event: 'Mar  1 13:22:53 app fwupd[133921]: 13:22:53:0883 FuPluginUefi         Error opening directory “/sys/firmware/efi/esrt/entries�: No such file or directory'
       hostname: 'app'
       program_name: 'fwupd'
       log: '13:22:53:0883 FuPluginUefi         Error opening directory “/sys/firmware/efi/esrt/entries�: No such file or directory'

**Phase 2: Completed decoding.
       No decoder matched.

**Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
       Rule id: '1002'
       Level: '2'
       Description: 'Unknown problem somewhere in the system.'
**Alert to be generated.

The rules

We decided to use the above mentioned decoder along with a group of rules. Here, we are making sure that the rules have proper unique id number, and they are written in the correct (sorted) place in the rules XML file.

<group name="fwupd">
  <rule id="100111" level="0">
    <match>Error opening directory</match>
    <description>fwupd error</description>
  <rule id="100112" level="0">
    <match>Failed to load SMBIOS</match>
    <description>fwupd error for auto updates</description>

Verify the configuration change

On the monitor server you can use the following command as root to verify the changes.

/var/ossec/bin/ossec-analysisd -t

Adding an automated test for staging

You can then add a test for the molecule/testinfra/mon/ file. Here the test loops over different log lines mentioned in log_events_without_ossec_alerts variable in molecule/testinfra/vars/staging.yml, and makes sure that the rule_id and level matches.

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