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FPGA Timestamp

Hampus Sandberg edited this page Mar 17, 2015 · 3 revisions

The timestamp is used to put a timestamp on the data that is saved to memory. Internally it's basically a 32-bit counter that is counting up when it is activated.


Resolution of the timer inside the timestamp can be changed in order to allow the user greater control of the information stored. The following resolutions can be set:

  • 1ms: 4294967296ms max ≈ 1193 hours max
  • 100us: 429496729600us max ≈ 119.3 hours max
  • 10us: 42949672960us max ≈ 11.9 hours max
  • 1us: 4294967296us max ≈ 71.6 minutes ≈ 1.2 hours max
  • 100ns: 429496729600ns max ≈ 429.5 seconds ≈ 7.16 minutes


When an overflow happens the counter will start from 0 again. This will be seen in the displayed data as data first having a high timestamp and then the next data having a low (or zero) timestamp.

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