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User story : Monitoring

Marwane Kalam-Alami edited this page Jun 15, 2012 · 3 revisions
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smarttravel - monitoring

As an integration tester,

  • I want an integration endpoint without sla (& monitoring), so that I'll pay it less
    • => model allow it

As a production deployer of a cheap smarttravel reseller,

  • I want an integration endpoint with cheap / low performance sla, so that I'll pay it less
  • I want a monitoring loop that provides slm allowing me to check that this sla is met, so that I'm sure I get enough out of my money

As a production deployer of a high-end smarttravel reseller,

  • I want an integration endpoint with high performance sla, so that my high-end customers will be happy
  • I want a monitoring loop that provides slm allowing me to check that this sla is met, so that I'm sure my customers won't be angry

=> model allow several endpoints with different sla (& slm)

=> TODO Q EasiFab how does Design SLR map to Deployment SLA ?? (manual, rules, at what time...)


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