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Setting up the service registry

Marc Dutoo edited this page Oct 18, 2013 · 21 revisions

(for 0.4) Setting up the service registry

This article explains how to set up a service registry instance without using the full release.

The Nuxeo Installation Guide explains how to install and run Nuxeo DM. After having installed Nuxeo 5.5, you have to get a copy of the EasySOA repository (git clone git://, see [this page](Development Environment) for installing Git) and install the EasySOA plugins:

Without Buildr

  • Make sure Maven is installed.
  • Run mvn clean install from the easysoa-common folder.
  • Run mvn clean install from the easysoa-registry folder.
  • Run mvn clean install from the easysoa-registry-packaging folder.
  • Copy the easysoa-registry-packaging/target contents to the root of your Nuxeo folder (more info on the packaging project here).

With Buildr

If you have set up a complete [Development Environment](Development Environment), you can also run, from the easysoa-distribution folder:

  • buildr nx_mvn nx_dist to build and copy everything to Nuxeo (then you only have to start it)
  • buildr nx_mvn nx_dist test=no to also skip tests
  • buildr nx_mvn nx_dist test=no offline=yes to also work offline (faster)

Don't forget to copy first the easysoa-distribution/build.yaml configuration file to ~/.buildr/settings.yaml and edit it according to your Nuxeo instance path.

Updating from a previous version

If you're updating from a previous version of the model, please reset all your data by deleting the following Nuxeo folder : ./nxserver/data.

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