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EasySOA repositories (obsolete)

mkalam-alami edited this page Sep 29, 2011 · 1 revision

##UPDATE: Everything is now in the EasySOA repository (save for issues), what follows is OBSOLETE

Depending on what you need, you will have to clone one or more of these repositories. It is highly recommended to clone them in the same folder, since the Buildr packaging script needs so.

Exemple of command to clone a repository:

 git clone

Note that the address to use is the "git://..." one if you don't have writing rights. In order to get a specific version of the repository, you'll have to continue with:

 cd easysoa-model-demo
 git checkout 0.1

Demo v0.1: on "0.1" tags

  • The service registry and its implementation of a SOA model*
  • A RESTful API to fill to the model
  • The discovery by browsing feature

*The service registry part only contains plugins to add to Nuxeo, refer to the readme for more information.

  • Web services of an imaginary company, implemented by a CXF server.
  • REST/SOAP proxy implemented with Frascati (EasySOA Light proxy)
  • WSDL2HTML xslt transformation to generate HTML form (EasySOA Light UI)

Project for EasySOA contributors, used to tie all packages together.

Current demo: on master branches

Includes all previous repositories, plus a few more. On the master branch is implemented a new version of the model (easysoa/easysoa-model-demo), driven by some new use cases:

  • SCA import
  • REST API available for the Discovery by listening feature, based on Esper

The goal of this proxy is to detect web-services and register them in Nuxeo.

A demo SOA that makes use of various webservices.

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