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Discovery REST API documentation

mkalam-alami edited this page Dec 19, 2011 · 2 revisions

Discovery REST API documentation

For the full documentation, browse to your Nuxeo setup at http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/site/easysoa

This REST API allows to upload any service registry-related information to the Nuxeo repository. Each call allows to register data related to either: an application, a service API, or a service. A Java client is available here.

Document hierarchy reminder: Services are always contained in Service APIs. Service APIs are either contained in Applications or other APIs.

  • PROTOCOL : POST (notification) or GET (view documentation)
  • URL : .../nuxeo/site/easysoa/notification/(appliimpl or api or service)

The request body must contain the parameters in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format (which is similar to the GET requests parameters). For a list of all available parameters for each document type, view each service's documentation by making a GET request to it.

Example request body:

  • RESULT : {"result": ["ok"]} (if no error was found)


    • JSONP Support: add a "callback" query parameter to make the request return a JSONP call instead of a JSON object.
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