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User story : Configuration and deployment

Marwane Kalam-Alami edited this page Jun 13, 2012 · 6 revisions
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  • Roles involved: SOA Architect, Administrator, Developer
  • Goals
    • Ease the management of the client-side configuration of the web services routing
    • Monitor the required web services to detect changes
    • Ease the deployment of only part of an application
  • Features
    • Tell the SOA which URLs to use by generating a .properties file
      • Provide ways to easily gather the required data
        • Discovery
        • Properties import
      • Allow to use EasySOA-proxified URLs
      • Make the file available through HTTP and its configuration editable online
    • Detect services changes
      • Send relevant notifications when a service depended on has changed/is missing
      • Display warnings when a deployable should have been updated/deployed after a service change
    • (XXX: Which features to support deployment goals?)

User story


A company has a SOA for which the list of the URLs required by its Java web services is packaged in each JAR, through a .properties file.

Set up

  1. GIVEN
  • WHEN
  • THEN

Service update

  1. GIVEN
  • WHEN
  • THEN

UI requirements

Model requirements

Model interactions

  1. Blah

XXXs: Missing information

Draft: CXXXXX - conf & deployment

props :

(test) As a developer, I want to

As an architect,

  • I want to let EasySOA tell my generic Java SOA runtime which service to use by each service consumer, so that I can use EasySOA as an easily accessible reference when I want to know which uses which, as well as being able to get benefits of EasySOA tunnel proxy (test with various simulation tools & scenarii, monitoring discovery / sla / service subscriber events)

  • I want to tell EasySOA which uses which easily using available info (discovery, property import + transformation)

  • I want EasySOA to provide this info as a property file to my SOA platform easily

  • => EasySOA 1. generates it (see prototype), 2. LATER deploys it (ex. as maven dep, using "copy deps" server)

  • => alternate solution : EasySOA uses as its reference an SCM-stored property file (manually maintained, or generated devtool-side) known by its URL

online props :

As a developer having to deploy a new version of only a single (service) implementation,

  • (HTTP-provided routing conf) I want to update easily (in a single place, minimal or no conf redeploy) the (production) routing configuration so all clients will target the new version
  • (HTTP-provided routing conf) I want a simple Java client fetching these properties using HTTP, so that I can easily integrate deployed HTTP props in my Java SOA

As a deployer / debugger having to quickly deploy on a production version a patch including a new version of a single (service) implementation ,

  • (partial redeploy) I want to provide this information to my generic Java SOA runtime in an online manner, so that I can change this configuration without having to redeploy everything (maven deps)

  • => TODO Q CXXXXX why can't they redeploy only the jar ? Props granularity (only one or more) ?? Use also snapshots (then timestamp required) ?? Provide detailed user story !

devtime checks :

As a developer / resp. deployer,

  • I want to be notified when a deliverable(s) has not changed while its service (definition) has changed in design / resp. impl, so I can look into development (?) / resp. deployment mistakes
    • => devtime (maven pom) / resp. runtime (classpath, osgi, maven deployment plugin) deliverable discovery

runtime deliverable discovery :

As a deployer,

  • I want to compare runtime discovered-deliverables (& conf ?) (using classpath or osgi) to implementation-discovered ones (project pom), so I can be sure that everything (deliverables & conf) has been deployed / is up to date
    • => runtime vs devtime deliverable comparison
    • => the best deployment or runtime deliverable discovery alternative out of : classpath, (osgi), maven deployment plugin
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