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mkalam-alami edited this page Apr 3, 2012 · 5 revisions

On this page is explained most of the repository layout (the project list is not exhaustive).

Service registry


Contains all of the "bundles" needed by Nuxeo to turn it into a collaborative service registry. Most of the EasySOA logic is in easysoa-registry-core and easysoa-registry-rest, while the UI changes are made in the easysoa-registry-web project.



This proxy is the core of the [Discovery by monitoring architecture](Discovery by monitoring architecture), based on the complex event processor Esper.


These intents are made to be used as EasySOA Light proxies, for example to make use of a "fuse" when calling found services.



Contains a basic service mounted on an Apache CXF server. The easysoa-samples-paf-restsoapproxy subproject allows to use intents when calling the service through the EasySOA Light GUI.


This is a slightly more complex demo featuring various services, made with the help of FraSCAti. It also embeds a subproject for EasySOA Light use (see easysoa-samples-smarttravel-service-ui-scaffolder-proxy).



Contains a lightweight EasySOA web server (based on Node), containing the [discovery by browsing](Discovery by Browsing) tool, the [EasySOA Light](EasySOA Light) GUI and an mock intranet for demo purposes.

The project actually embeds 2 servers, since it also holds the web proxy used for discovery by browsing.

Other projects


Provides the scripts and resources needed to package the whole EasySOA demo (using Buildr).


Features transversal resources needed by the projects. Mainly holds Java constants (port numbers, etc.).


Contains various communication resources (including Logos, slideshow templates, etc.).

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